Hello, On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 10:36:48PM +0100, Stelian Ionescu wrote:
Now, a question, is there a means by which I can have iomux:event-dispatch return control to me for a while at specified intervals, and then go back to multiplexing i/o? This would allow me to not have to put the server machinery into the read/write functions on the streams themselves or be beholden to my processing only on communication boundaries. If I can get a single threaded solution, then I wouldn't have to worry about the usual things with threads concerning data races and whatnot.
(event-dispatch *base* :one-shot t)
Two questions, A. will returning from the event-dispatch function using the above close all connections in the mean time, and B. why is it bad architecture (at least it feels like it) to put my server's background work as the timeout code path of make-listener-handler and set the timeout to something like .01? Also, I could be potentially sending megabytes to gigabytes of data back and forth between the clients and server, so I assume there a nonblocking interface to reading and writing the stream in an unsigned byte sequence oriented fashion once established? Thank you. -pete