hi, I'd like to ask your advice concerning how to implement a good OS interface. I and luis are working on the FFI interface to the OS which is part of IOlib(iolib-posix) and we are a bit undecided over the approach to take especially regarding how to handle IN/OUT or OUT struct arguments: 1) return multiple arguments, the first one being the foreign function's return value(if it's not "void"), the rest being the struct members unpacked. this has the advantage of being mainly non-consing - except maybe for large numbers of values - IIRC with stat() I get 14 multiple values. If I'm not mistaken most implementation stack-allocate multiple values(perhaps only up to a certain number ?) 2) copy each struct into a structure object or CLOS object(like sb-posix). this has the disadvantage of consing one or more objects with each call 3) make two packages: one with an interface very close to C, without unpacking or consing objects, ie. STAT would need to be passed a foreign pointer to a "struct stat" and the programmer would use directly CFFI to retrieve desired data. the second interface would be a high-level one, lispy in the sense of having ENVIRONMENT-VARIABLE and (SETF ENVIRONMENT-VARIABLE) instead of GETENV and SETENV. the function names would be quite different from the OS names also because we could have something like (SETF FILE-STAT) as "frontend" for several syscalls such as chown, chmod and utime (example taken from http://clisp.cons.org/impnotes/syscalls.html). in all 3 options I imply reporting errors via conditions the choice I prefer is n° 3, because it allows me to have both a (mostly) non-consing interface for when I really need speed and a lispy interface that *most* people would want to use since dealing with a FFI is most often obnoxious, and yes, I'm a bit obsessed by speed/efficiency :) among existing libraries, OSICAT seems to be the one closer to what I prefer and we(luis and I) have been thinking of continuing development of OSICAT if you agree, abandoning iolib-posix on favour of something like osicat-posix-ffi and osicat-windows-ffi - the low-level side of it suggestions ? -- (sign :name "Stelian Ionescu" :aka "fe[nl]ix" :quote "Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.")