[iolib-devel] Introductory tcp client/server examples

Hello, I've been writing a tutorial for how to use IOLib loosely following the second edition of the unix network programming book by Richard Stevens. Attached to this mail is a tarball of a collection of example programs I've written which illustrate certain concepts in using IOLib. It is intended that this tutorial go all the way from the simple iterative daytime server example, all the way to nonblocking and multiplexed network i/o for a server with many clients. I am not finished with this work at all (such as the tutorial is simply an outline and I only have a small collection of example programs!), but Stelian wanted to see examples of the code I had written and thought the list would be a good place for it. Thank you. -pete

Peter, is there a git repository or some other place to download the latest version of your iolib examples? Thanks! [ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | http://fare.tunes.org ] Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't. — Mark Twain

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 03:38:16PM -0400, Faré wrote:
is there a git repository or some other place to download the latest version of your iolib examples? Thanks!
Sure, the latest version is always under "Live Sources" on this web page: http://common-lisp.net/project/iolib/download.shtml The repository mentioned there is: git clone git://common-lisp.net/projects/iolib/iolib.git Generally, if there is some patches/enhancements for the example codes or the tutorial, send it to this list, but I'll take care of them. If you use clbuild and whatnot to manage your lisp environment then ./clbuild install iolib will get you the latest revision with the tutorial examples and document. I welcome additional example codes and patches and will help document them into the tutorial. Any bugs or changes to IOLib itself should be directed to Stelian Ionescu. Thank you! -pete
participants (2)
Peter Keller