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May 2011
- 1 participants
- 16 discussions
Author: lgiessmann
Date: Mon May 9 07:38:55 2011
New Revision: 460
datamodel: fixed a bug when merging two associations, whereas each association owns a role that is equivalent to the other and both roles are reified by the same reifier-topic.
Modified: trunk/src/model/datamodel.lisp
--- trunk/src/model/datamodel.lisp (original)
+++ trunk/src/model/datamodel.lisp Mon May 9 07:38:55 2011
@@ -2782,8 +2782,10 @@
(roles construct-1 :revision revision)
(roles construct-2 :revision revision)
:test #'(lambda(role-1 role-2)
- (strictly-equivalent-constructs role-1 role-2
- :revision revision))))))
+ ;(strictly-equivalent-constructs role-1 role-2
+ ;:revision revision))))))
+ (equivalent-constructs role-1 role-2
+ :revision revision))))))
(defgeneric AssociationC-p (class-symbol)
Author: lgiessmann
Date: Mon May 9 05:28:16 2011
New Revision: 459
JTM: added unit-tests for the function merge-topic-from-jtm-list => fixed a bug when referencing the topic that has to be merged
Modified: trunk/src/json/JTM/jtm_importer.lisp
--- trunk/src/json/JTM/jtm_importer.lisp (original)
+++ trunk/src/json/JTM/jtm_importer.lisp Mon May 9 05:28:16 2011
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
(List parents)
(Integer revision))
(unless parents
- (error (make-condition 'JTM-error :message (format nil "From make-instance-of-association(): parents must contain at least one TopicMapC object, but is nil"))))
+ (error (make-condition 'missing-reference-error :message (format nil "From make-instance-of-association(): parents must contain at least one TopicMapC object, but is nil"))))
(let ((t-top (get-item-by-psi *type-psi* :revision revision))
(i-top (get-item-by-psi *instance-psi* :revision revision))
(ti-top (get-item-by-psi *type-instance-psi* :revision revision)))
@@ -119,7 +119,11 @@
(defun merge-topic-from-jtm-list(jtm-list parents &key (instance-of-p t)
(revision *TM-REVISION*) prefixes)
"Creates and returns a topic object from the passed jtm
- list generated by json:decode-json-from-string."
+ list generated by json:decode-json-from-string.
+ Note that the merged topics are not added explicitly to the parent
+ topic maps, it is only needed for the instance-of-associations -
+ topics are added in the function import-topic-stubs-from-jtm-lists
+ to their topic map elements."
(declare (List jtm-list prefixes parents)
(Boolean instance-of-p)
(Integer revision))
@@ -127,8 +131,9 @@
(get-item :SUBJECT--IDENTIFIERS jtm-list)
(get-item :SUBJECT--LOCATORS jtm-list)))
(top (when ids
- (get-item-from-jtm-reference (first ids) :revision revision
- :prefixes prefixes)))
+ (get-item-by-any-id
+ (compute-uri-from-jtm-identifier (first ids) prefixes)
+ :revision revision)))
(instanceof (get-items-from-jtm-references
(get-item :INSTANCE--OF jtm-list) :revision revision
:prefixes prefixes))
Modified: trunk/src/unit_tests/jtm_test.lisp
--- trunk/src/unit_tests/jtm_test.lisp (original)
+++ trunk/src/unit_tests/jtm_test.lisp Mon May 9 05:28:16 2011
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@
- :test-import-topics))
+ :test-import-topics
+ :test-merge-topics))
(in-package :jtm-test)
@@ -1636,7 +1637,6 @@
#'jtm::import-name-from-jtm-list :revision 100)))))
(test test-make-instance-of-association
"Tests the function make-instance-of-association."
(with-fixture with-empty-db ("data_base")
@@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@
(and (eql (instance-of role :revision 0) it)
(eql (player role :revision 0) top-2)))
(roles assoc :revision 0))))
- (signals exceptions:JTM-error
+ (signals exceptions:missing-reference-error
(jtm::make-instance-of-association top-1 top-3 nil :revision 100))
tt (elephant:get-instance-by-value 'PersistentIdc 'd:uri *type-psi*)
@@ -1846,9 +1846,188 @@
nil :revision 200))))))
-; *merge-topics-from-jtm-lists
-; *merge-topic-from-jtm-list
+(test test-merge-topics
+ "Tests the functions import-topic-stub-from-jtm-list,
+ and import-topic-stubs-from-jtm-lists."
+ (with-fixture with-empty-db ("data_base")
+ (let* ((prefixes (list (list :pref "xsd" :value *xsd-ns*)
+ (list :pref "pref_1" :value *xsd-ns*)
+ (list :pref "pref_2" :value "http://some.where/")))
+ (j-top-1 "{\"version\":\"1.1\",\"prefixes\":{\"pref_1\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#\",\"xsd\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#\",\"pref_2\":\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/\"},\"subject_identifiers\":[\"[pref_2:psi-1]\",\"[pref_2:psi-2]\"],\"subject_locators\":[\"[pref_2:sl-2]\"],\"item_identifiers\":[\"[pref_2:ii-4]\"],\"instance_of\":[\"ii:[pref_2:ii-1]\"],\"item_type\":\"topic\",\"names\":[{\"item_identifiers\":null,\"value\":\"name-1\",\"type\":null,\"scope\":null,\"variants\":null,\"reifier\":null},{\"item_identifiers\":null,\"value\":\"name-2\",\"type\":null,\"scope\":[\"sl:[pref_2:sl-1]\"],\"variants\":[{\"item_identifiers\":null,\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#string\",\"value\":\"var-1\",\"scope\":[\"ii:[pref_2:ii-1]\"],\"reifier\":null}],\"reifier\":null}],\"occurrences\":[{\"item_identifiers\":[\"[pref_2:ii-2]\"],\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#string\",\"type\":\"sl:[pref_2:sl-1]\",\"value\":\"occ-1\",\"scope\":[\"si:[pref_2:psi-1]\"],\"reifier\":\"ii:[pref_2:ii-1]\"},{\"item_identifiers\":null,\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#anyURI\",\"type\":\"si:[pref_2:psi-1]\",\"value\":\"http:\\/\\/any.uri\",\"scope\":null,\"reifier\":null}]}")
+ (j-top-2 "{\"version\":\"1.0\",\"subject_identifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/psi-1\",\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/psi-2\"],\"subject_locators\":[\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/sl-2\"],\"item_identifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/ii-4\"],\"item_type\":\"topic\",\"parent\":[\"ii:http:\\/\\/some.where\\/ii-3\"],\"names\":[{\"item_identifiers\":null,\"value\":\"name-1\",\"type\":null,\"scope\":null,\"variants\":null,\"reifier\":null},{\"item_identifiers\":null,\"value\":\"name-2\",\"type\":null,\"scope\":[\"sl:http:\\/\\/some.where\\/sl-1\"],\"variants\":[{\"item_identifiers\":null,\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#string\",\"value\":\"var-1\",\"scope\":[\"ii:http:\\/\\/some.where\\/ii-1\"],\"reifier\":null}],\"reifier\":null}],\"occurrences\":[{\"item_identifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/ii-2\"],\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#string\",\"type\":\"sl:http:\\/\\/some.where\\/sl-1\",\"value\":\"occ-1\",\"scope\":[\"si:http:\\/\\/some.where\\/psi-1\"],\"reifier\":\"ii:http:\\/\\/some.where\\/ii-1\"},{\"item_identifiers\":null,\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#anyURI\",\"type\":\"si:http:\\/\\/some.where\\/psi-1\",\"value\":\"http:\\/\\/any.uri\",\"scope\":null,\"reifier\":null}]}")
+ (j-top-3 "{\"subject_identifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/tmsparql\\/author\"],\"subject_locators\":null,\"item_identifiers\":null,\"names\":null,\"occurrences\":null}")
+ (j-top-4 "{\"subject_identifiers\":null,\"subject_locators\":[\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/sl-1\"],\"item_identifiers\":null,\"names\":null,\"occurrences\":null}")
+ (j-top-5 "{\"subject_identifiers\":null,\"subject_locators\":null,\"item_identifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/ii-1\"],\"names\":null,\"occurrences\":null}")
+ (tm-1 (make-construct
+ 'TopicMapC :start-revision 100
+ :item-identifiers
+ (list (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC
+ :uri "http://some.where/tm-1"))))
+ (tm-2 (make-construct
+ 'TopicMapC :start-revision 100
+ :item-identifiers
+ (list (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC
+ :uri "http://some.where/tm-2"))))
+ (tops (jtm::import-topic-stubs-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-1)
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-2)
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-3)
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-4)
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-5))
+ (list tm-1 tm-2) :revision 100 :prefixes prefixes)))
+ (is (= (length tops) 5))
+ (is (= (length (remove-duplicates tops)) 4))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC)) 4))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'PersistentIdC)) 3))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'ItemIdentifierC)) 4))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'SubjectLocatorC)) 2))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'NameC))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'VariantC))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'RoleC))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'AssociationC))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'OccurrenceC))
+ (signals exceptions:missing-reference-error ;missing topics for
+ (jtm::merge-topic-from-jtm-list ;type-instance-associations
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-1)
+ (list tm-1 tm-2) :revision 100 :prefixes prefixes))
+ (make-construct 'TopicC :start-revision 100
+ :psis
+ (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+ :uri *type-psi*)))
+ (make-construct 'TopicC :start-revision 100
+ :psis
+ (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+ :uri *instance-psi*)))
+ (make-construct 'TopicC :start-revision 100
+ :psis
+ (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+ :uri *type-instance-psi*)))
+ (let ((top-1 (jtm::merge-topic-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-1)
+ (list tm-1 tm-2) :revision 100 :prefixes prefixes))
+ (top-2 (jtm::merge-topic-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-2)
+ (list tm-1 tm-2) :revision 100 :prefixes prefixes)))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC)) 7))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'PersistentIdC)) 6))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'ItemIdentifierC)) 5))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'SubjectLocatorC)) 2))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'NameC)) 2))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'VariantC)) 1))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'RoleC)) 2))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'AssociationC)) 1))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'OccurrenceC)) 2))
+ (is (eql top-1 top-2))
+ (is (= (length (names top-1 :revision 0)) 2))
+ (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(name)
+ (and (string= (charvalue name) "name-1")
+ (not (instance-of name :revision 0))
+ (not (themes name :revision 0))
+ (not (variants name :revision 0))
+ (not (reifier name :revision 0))
+ (not (item-identifiers name :revision 0))))
+ (names top-1 :revision 0)))
+ (is-true
+ (find-if #'(lambda(name)
+ (and (string= (charvalue name) "name-2")
+ (not (instance-of name :revision 0))
+ (= (length (themes name :revision 0)) 1)
+ (= (length (locators (first (themes name :revision 0))
+ :revision 0)) 1)
+ (string=
+ (uri (first (locators (first (themes name :revision 0))
+ :revision 0)))
+ "http://some.where/sl-1")
+ (= (length (variants name :revision 0)) 1)
+ (not (reifier name :revision 0))
+ (not (item-identifiers name :revision 0))))
+ (names top-1 :revision 0)))
+ (is-true
+ (find-if #'(lambda(occ)
+ (and (string= (charvalue occ) "occ-1")
+ (string= (datatype occ) *xml-string*)
+ (instance-of occ :revision 0)
+ (= (length (locators (instance-of occ :revision 0)
+ :revision 0)) 1)
+ (string=
+ (uri (first (locators (instance-of occ :revision 0)
+ :revision 0)))
+ "http://some.where/sl-1")
+ (= (length (themes occ :revision 0)) 1)
+ (= (length (psis (first (themes occ :revision 0))
+ :revision 0)) 2)
+ (or (string=
+ (uri (first (psis (first (themes occ :revision 0))
+ :revision 0)))
+ "http://some.where/psi-1")
+ (string=
+ (uri (second (psis (first (themes occ :revision 0))
+ :revision 0)))
+ "http://some.where/psi-1"))
+ (reifier occ :revision 0)
+ (= (length (item-identifiers occ :revision 0)) 1)
+ (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers occ :revision 0)))
+ "http://some.where/ii-2")))
+ (occurrences top-1 :revision 0)))
+ (is-true
+ (find-if #'(lambda(occ)
+ (and (string= (charvalue occ) "http://any.uri")
+ (string= (datatype occ) *xml-uri*)
+ (instance-of occ :revision 0)
+ (or (string=
+ (uri (first (psis (instance-of occ :revision 0)
+ :revision 0)))
+ "http://some.where/psi-1")
+ (string=
+ (uri (second (psis (instance-of occ :revision 0)
+ :revision 0)))
+ "http://some.where/psi-1"))
+ (not (themes occ :revision 0))
+ (not (reifier occ :revision 0))
+ (not (item-identifiers occ :revision 0))))
+ (occurrences top-1 :revision 0))))
+ (let ((tops (jtm::merge-topics-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-1)
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-2)
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-3)
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-4)
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-5))
+ (list tm-1 tm-2) :revision 200 :prefixes prefixes)))
+ (is (= (length (remove-duplicates tops)) 4))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC)) 7))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'PersistentIdC)) 6))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'ItemIdentifierC)) 5))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'SubjectLocatorC)) 2))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'NameC)) 2))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'VariantC)) 1))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'RoleC)) 2))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'AssociationC)) 1))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'OccurrenceC)) 2)))
+ (signals exceptions:jtm-error
+ (jtm::merge-topic-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-1)
+ (list tm-1 tm-2) :revision 200))
+ (signals exceptions:jtm-error
+ (jtm::merge-topic-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-1)
+ (list tm-1 tm-2) :revision 200 :prefixes prefixes :instance-of-p nil))
+ (signals exceptions:missing-reference-error
+ (jtm::merge-topic-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-1)
+ nil :revision 200 :prefixes prefixes))
+ (signals exceptions:jtm-error
+ (jtm::merge-topics-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-1))
+ (list tm-1 tm-2) :revision 200))
+ (signals exceptions:jtm-error
+ (jtm::merge-topics-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-1))
+ (list tm-1 tm-2) :revision 200 :prefixes prefixes :instance-of-p nil))
+ (signals exceptions:missing-reference-error
+ (jtm::merge-topics-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-1))
+ nil :revision 200 :prefixes prefixes)))))
(defun run-jtm-tests()
Author: lgiessmann
Date: Mon May 9 03:59:00 2011
New Revision: 458
JTM: added unit-tests fot the JTM-import of topic-stubs
Modified: trunk/src/unit_tests/jtm_test.lisp
--- trunk/src/unit_tests/jtm_test.lisp (original)
+++ trunk/src/unit_tests/jtm_test.lisp Mon May 9 03:59:00 2011
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
- :test-make-instance-of-association))
+ :test-make-instance-of-association
+ :test-import-topics))
(in-package :jtm-test)
@@ -1553,8 +1554,8 @@
(test test-import-names
- "Tests the functions import-name-from-jtm-string and
- import-constructs-from-jtm-strings."
+ "Tests the functions import-name-from-jtm-list and
+ import-constructs-from-jtm-lists."
(with-fixture with-empty-db ("data_base")
(let* ((prefixes (list (list :pref "xsd" :value *xsd-ns*)
(list :pref "pref_1" :value *xsd-ns*)
@@ -1709,12 +1710,143 @@
tt (elephant:get-instance-by-value 'PersistentIdc 'd:uri *type-psi*)
:revision 200)
(signals exceptions:missing-reference-error
- (jtm::make-instance-of-association top-1 top-3 (list tm) :revision 200))
- )))
+ (jtm::make-instance-of-association top-1 top-3 (list tm) :revision 200)))))
+(test test-import-topics
+ "Tests the functions import-topic-stub-from-jtm-list,
+ and import-topic-stubs-from-jtm-lists."
+ (with-fixture with-empty-db ("data_base")
+ (let* ((prefixes (list (list :pref "xsd" :value *xsd-ns*)
+ (list :pref "pref_1" :value *xsd-ns*)
+ (list :pref "pref_2" :value "http://some.where/")))
+ (j-top-1 "{\"version\":\"1.1\",\"prefixes\":{\"pref_1\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#\",\"xsd\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#\",\"pref_2\":\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/\"},\"subject_identifiers\":[\"[pref_2:psi-1]\",\"[pref_2:psi-2]\"],\"subject_locators\":[\"[pref_2:sl-2]\"],\"item_identifiers\":[\"[pref_2:ii-4]\"],\"instance_of\":null,\"item_type\":\"topic\",\"names\":[{\"item_identifiers\":null,\"value\":\"name-1\",\"type\":null,\"scope\":null,\"variants\":null,\"reifier\":null},{\"item_identifiers\":null,\"value\":\"name-2\",\"type\":null,\"scope\":[\"sl:[pref_2:sl-1]\"],\"variants\":[{\"item_identifiers\":null,\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#string\",\"value\":\"var-1\",\"scope\":[\"ii:[pref_2:ii-1]\"],\"reifier\":null}],\"reifier\":null}],\"occurrences\":[{\"item_identifiers\":[\"[pref_2:ii-2]\"],\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#string\",\"type\":\"sl:[pref_2:sl-1]\",\"value\":\"occ-1\",\"scope\":[\"si:[pref_2:psi-1]\"],\"reifier\":\"ii:[pref_2:ii-1]\"},{\"item_identifiers\":null,\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#anyURI\",\"type\":\"si:[pref_2:psi-1]\",\"value\":\"http:\\/\\/any.uri\",\"scope\":null,\"reifier\":null}]}")
+ (j-top-2 "{\"version\":\"1.0\",\"subject_identifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/psi-1\",\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/psi-2\"],\"subject_locators\":[\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/sl-2\"],\"item_identifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/ii-4\"],\"item_type\":\"topic\",\"parent\":[\"ii:http:\\/\\/some.where\\/ii-3\"],\"names\":[{\"item_identifiers\":null,\"value\":\"name-1\",\"type\":null,\"scope\":null,\"variants\":null,\"reifier\":null},{\"item_identifiers\":null,\"value\":\"name-2\",\"type\":null,\"scope\":[\"sl:http:\\/\\/some.where\\/sl-1\"],\"variants\":[{\"item_identifiers\":null,\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#string\",\"value\":\"var-1\",\"scope\":[\"ii:http:\\/\\/some.where\\/ii-1\"],\"reifier\":null}],\"reifier\":null}],\"occurrences\":[{\"item_identifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/ii-2\"],\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#string\",\"type\":\"sl:http:\\/\\/some.where\\/sl-1\",\"value\":\"occ-1\",\"scope\":[\"si:http:\\/\\/some.where\\/psi-1\"],\"reifier\":\"ii:http:\\/\\/some.where\\/ii-1\"},{\"item_identifiers\":null,\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#anyURI\",\"type\":\"si:http:\\/\\/some.where\\/psi-1\",\"value\":\"http:\\/\\/any.uri\",\"scope\":null,\"reifier\":null}]}")
+ (j-top-3 "{\"subject_identifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/tmsparql\\/author\"],\"subject_locators\":null,\"item_identifiers\":null,\"names\":null,\"occurrences\":null}")
+ (j-top-4 "{\"subject_identifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/tmsparql\\/first-name\"],\"subject_locators\":null,\"item_identifiers\":null,\"names\":null,\"occurrences\":null}")
+ (j-top-5 "{\"subject_identifiers\":null,\"subject_locators\":null,\"item_identifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/ii\\/goethe-name-reifier\"],\"names\":null,\"occurrences\":null}")
+ (tm-1 (make-construct
+ 'TopicMapC :start-revision 100
+ :item-identifiers
+ (list (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC
+ :uri "http://some.where/tm-1"))))
+ (tm-2 (make-construct
+ 'TopicMapC :start-revision 100
+ :item-identifiers
+ (list (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC
+ :uri "http://some.where/tm-2")))))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'd:TopicC))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'ItemIdentifierC)) 2))
+ (let ((top-1 (jtm::import-topic-stub-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-1)
+ (list tm-1 tm-2) :revision 100 :prefixes prefixes)))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC)) 1))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'NameC))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'VariantC))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'RoleC))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'AssociationC))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'OccurrenceC))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'PersistentIdC)) 2))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'ItemIdentifierC)) 3))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'SubjectLocatorC)) 1))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or (list "http://some.where/psi-1"
+ "http://some.where/psi-2")
+ (map 'list #'d:uri (psis top-1 :revision 0))
+ :test #'string=))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or
+ (list "http://some.where/sl-2")
+ (map 'list #'d:uri (locators top-1 :revision 0))
+ :test #'string=))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or
+ (list "http://some.where/ii-4")
+ (map 'list #'d:uri (item-identifiers top-1 :revision 0))
+ :test #'string=))
+ (is-true (find tm-1 (in-topicmaps top-1 :revision 0)))
+ (is-true (find tm-2 (in-topicmaps top-1 :revision 0))))
+ (let ((top-2 (jtm::import-topic-stub-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-2)
+ (list tm-1 tm-2) :revision 200)))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC)) 1))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'NameC))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'VariantC))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'RoleC))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'AssociationC))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'OccurrenceC))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'PersistentIdC)) 2))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'ItemIdentifierC)) 3))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'SubjectLocatorC)) 1))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or (list "http://some.where/psi-1"
+ "http://some.where/psi-2")
+ (map 'list #'d:uri (psis top-2 :revision 200))
+ :test #'string=))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or
+ (list "http://some.where/sl-2")
+ (map 'list #'d:uri (locators top-2 :revision 200))
+ :test #'string=))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or
+ (list "http://some.where/ii-4")
+ (map 'list #'d:uri (item-identifiers top-2 :revision 200))
+ :test #'string=))
+ (is-true (find tm-1 (in-topicmaps top-2 :revision 200)))
+ (is-true (find tm-2 (in-topicmaps top-2 :revision 200))))
+ (let ((tops-3-4-5
+ (jtm::import-topic-stubs-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-3)
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-4)
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-5))
+ (list tm-1 tm-2) :revision 200)))
+ (is (= (length tops-3-4-5) 3))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'TopicC)) 4))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'PersistentIdC)) 4))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'ItemIdentifierC)) 4))
+ (is (= (length (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'SubjectLocatorC)) 1))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'NameC))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'VariantC))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'RoleC))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'AssociationC))
+ (is-false (elephant:get-instances-by-class 'OccurrenceC))
+ (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(top)
+ (and (= (length (psis top :revision 0)) 1)
+ (not (item-identifiers top :revision 0))
+ (not (locators top :revision 0))
+ (string= (uri (first (psis top :revision 0)))
+ "http://some.where/tmsparql/author")))
+ tops-3-4-5))
+ (is-true
+ (find-if #'(lambda(top)
+ (and (= (length (psis top :revision 0)) 1)
+ (not (item-identifiers top :revision 0))
+ (not (locators top :revision 0))
+ (string= (uri (first (psis top :revision 0)))
+ "http://some.where/tmsparql/first-name")))
+ tops-3-4-5))
+ (is-true
+ (find-if #'(lambda(top)
+ (and (= (length (item-identifiers top :revision 0)) 1)
+ (not (psis top :revision 0))
+ (not (locators top :revision 0))
+ (string= (uri (first (item-identifiers top :revision 0)))
+ "http://some.where/ii/goethe-name-reifier")))
+ tops-3-4-5))
+ (signals exceptions:jtm-error
+ (jtm::import-topic-stub-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-1)
+ (list tm-1 tm-2) :revision 200))
+ (signals exceptions:missing-reference-error
+ (jtm::import-topic-stub-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-2)
+ nil :revision 200))
+ (signals exceptions:jtm-error
+ (jtm::import-topic-stubs-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-1))
+ (list tm-1 tm-2) :revision 200))
+ (signals exceptions:missing-reference-error
+ (jtm::import-topic-stubs-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string j-top-2))
+ nil :revision 200))))))
-; *import-topic-stubs-from-jtm-lists
-; *import-topic-stub-from-jtm-list
; *merge-topics-from-jtm-lists
; *merge-topic-from-jtm-list

08 May '11
Author: lgiessmann
Date: Sun May 8 12:53:59 2011
New Revision: 457
JTM: added a unit-test for the function make-instance-of-association => if a new instance-of-association is created, all topic-types are added to the parent-topicmaps
Modified: trunk/src/json/JTM/jtm_importer.lisp
--- trunk/src/json/JTM/jtm_importer.lisp (original)
+++ trunk/src/json/JTM/jtm_importer.lisp Sun May 8 12:53:59 2011
@@ -77,9 +77,16 @@
(declare (TopicC instance-top type-top)
(List parents)
(Integer revision))
+ (unless parents
+ (error (make-condition 'JTM-error :message (format nil "From make-instance-of-association(): parents must contain at least one TopicMapC object, but is nil"))))
(let ((t-top (get-item-by-psi *type-psi* :revision revision))
(i-top (get-item-by-psi *instance-psi* :revision revision))
(ti-top (get-item-by-psi *type-instance-psi* :revision revision)))
+ (unless (and i-top t-top ti-top)
+ (let ((missing-topic (cond ((not t-top) *type-psi*)
+ ((not i-top) *instance-psi*)
+ (t *type-instance-psi*))))
+ (error (make-condition 'missing-reference-error :message (format nil "From make-instance-of-association(): the core topics ~a, ~a, and ~a are necessary, but ~a cannot be found" *type-psi* *instance-psi* *type-instance-psi* missing-topic) :reference missing-topic))))
(let ((assoc (make-construct 'AssociationC :start-revision revision
:instance-of ti-top
:roles (list (list :start-revision revision
@@ -89,6 +96,9 @@
:player type-top
:instance-of t-top)))))
(dolist (tm parents)
+ (add-to-tm tm i-top)
+ (add-to-tm tm t-top)
+ (add-to-tm tm ti-top)
(add-to-tm tm assoc))
Modified: trunk/src/unit_tests/jtm_test.lisp
--- trunk/src/unit_tests/jtm_test.lisp (original)
+++ trunk/src/unit_tests/jtm_test.lisp Sun May 8 12:53:59 2011
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@
- :test-import-names))
+ :test-import-names
+ :test-make-instance-of-association))
(in-package :jtm-test)
@@ -1634,10 +1635,86 @@
#'jtm::import-name-from-jtm-list :revision 100)))))
+(test test-make-instance-of-association
+ "Tests the function make-instance-of-association."
+ (with-fixture with-empty-db ("data_base")
+ (let* ((tt (make-construct 'TopicC :start-revision 100
+ :psis
+ (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+ :uri *type-psi*))))
+ (it (make-construct 'TopicC :start-revision 100
+ :psis
+ (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+ :uri *instance-psi*))))
+ (tit (make-construct 'TopicC :start-revision 100
+ :psis
+ (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+ :uri *type-instance-psi*))))
+ (top-1 (make-construct
+ 'TopicC :start-revision 100
+ :psis
+ (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+ :uri "http://some.where/psi-1"))))
+ (top-2 (make-construct
+ 'TopicC :start-revision 100
+ :locators
+ (list (make-construct 'SubjectLocatorC
+ :uri "http://some.where/sl-1"))))
+ (top-3 (make-construct
+ 'TopicC :start-revision 100
+ :item-identifiers
+ (list (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC
+ :uri "http://some.where/ii-1"))))
+ (tm (make-construct
+ 'TopicMapC :start-revision 100
+ :item-identifiers
+ (list (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC
+ :uri "http://some.where/tm-ii")))))
+ (jtm::make-instance-of-association top-1 top-2 (list tm) :revision 100)
+ (is (= (length (player-in-roles top-1 :revision 0)) 1))
+ (is (eql (instance-of (first (player-in-roles top-1 :revision 0)) :revision 0)
+ it))
+ (let ((assoc (parent (first (player-in-roles top-1 :revision 0)) :revision 0)))
+ (is-true assoc)
+ (is (= (length (roles assoc :revision 0)) 2))
+ (is (eql (instance-of assoc :revision 0) tit))
+ (is-true (find tm (in-topicmaps assoc :revision 0)))
+ (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(role)
+ (and (eql (instance-of role :revision 0) tt)
+ (eql (player role :revision 0) top-2)))
+ (roles assoc :revision 0))))
+ (is (= (length (player-in-roles top-2 :revision 0)) 1))
+ (is-true (find tm (in-topicmaps tt :revision 0)))
+ (is-false (find tm (in-topicmaps tt :revision 50)))
+ (is-true (find tm (in-topicmaps it :revision 0)))
+ (is-true (find tm (in-topicmaps tit :revision 0)))
+ (jtm::make-instance-of-association top-2 top-3 (list tm) :revision 100)
+ (is (= (length (player-in-roles top-2 :revision 0)) 2))
+ (is (= (length (player-in-roles top-3 :revision 0)) 1))
+ (is (eql (instance-of (first (player-in-roles top-3 :revision 0)) :revision 0)
+ tt))
+ (let ((assoc (parent (first (player-in-roles top-3 :revision 0)) :revision 0)))
+ (is-true assoc)
+ (is (= (length (roles assoc :revision 0)) 2))
+ (is (eql (instance-of assoc :revision 0) tit))
+ (is-true (find tm (in-topicmaps assoc :revision 0)))
+ (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(role)
+ (and (eql (instance-of role :revision 0) it)
+ (eql (player role :revision 0) top-2)))
+ (roles assoc :revision 0))))
+ (signals exceptions:JTM-error
+ (jtm::make-instance-of-association top-1 top-3 nil :revision 100))
+ (delete-psi
+ tt (elephant:get-instance-by-value 'PersistentIdc 'd:uri *type-psi*)
+ :revision 200)
+ (signals exceptions:missing-reference-error
+ (jtm::make-instance-of-association top-1 top-3 (list tm) :revision 200))
+ )))
; *import-topic-stubs-from-jtm-lists
; *import-topic-stub-from-jtm-list
-; *make-instance-of-association
; *merge-topics-from-jtm-lists
; *merge-topic-from-jtm-list
Modified: trunk/src/xml/xtm/importer.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/xtm/importer.lisp (original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/xtm/importer.lisp Sun May 8 12:53:59 2011
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@
(from-topic-elem-to-stub top-elem revision :xtm-id "core.xtm")))
(add-to-tm tm top)))))))
;TODO: replace the two importers with this macro
(defmacro importer-mac
(get-topic-elems get-association-elems
Author: lgiessmann
Date: Sat May 7 18:02:56 2011
New Revision: 456
JTM: added functions that allow the import of a single topicstub, topic an array of topicstubs and topics
Modified: trunk/src/json/JTM/jtm_importer.lisp
--- trunk/src/json/JTM/jtm_importer.lisp (original)
+++ trunk/src/json/JTM/jtm_importer.lisp Sat May 7 18:02:56 2011
@@ -21,6 +21,130 @@
(rest (find item-keyword jtm-list :key #'first)))
+(defun import-topic-stubs-from-jtm-lists (jtm-lists parents &key
+ (revision *TM-REVISION*) prefixes)
+ "Creates and returns a list of topics.
+ Note only the topic identifiers are imported and set in this function,
+ entire topics are imported in merge-topics-from-jtm-lists."
+ (declare (List jtm-lists parents prefixes)
+ (Integer revision))
+ (map 'list #'(lambda(jtm-list)
+ (import-topic-stub-from-jtm-list
+ jtm-list parents :revision revision :prefixes prefixes))
+ jtm-lists))
+(defun import-topic-stub-from-jtm-list(jtm-list parents &key
+ (revision *TM-REVISION*) prefixes)
+ "Creates and returns a topic object from the passed jtm
+ list generated by json:decode-json-from-string.
+ Note this function only sets the topic's identifiers."
+ (declare (List jtm-list parents prefixes)
+ (Integer revision))
+ (let* ((t-iis (import-identifiers-from-jtm-strings
+ (get-item :ITEM--IDENTIFIERS jtm-list)
+ :prefixes prefixes))
+ (t-psis (import-identifiers-from-jtm-strings
+ (get-item :SUBJECT--IDENTIFIERS jtm-list)
+ :prefixes prefixes :identifier-type-symbol 'd:PersistentIdC))
+ (t-sls (import-identifiers-from-jtm-strings
+ (get-item :SUBJECT--LOCATORS jtm-list)
+ :prefixes prefixes :identifier-type-symbol 'd:SubjectLocatorC))
+ (parent-references (get-item :PARENT jtm-list))
+ (local-parents
+ (if parents
+ parents
+ (when parent-references
+ (get-items-from-jtm-references
+ parent-references :revision revision :prefixes prefixes)))))
+ (unless local-parents
+ (error (make-condition 'JTM-error :message (format nil "From import-topic-from-jtm-string(): the JTM topic ~a must have at least one parent set in its members." jtm-list))))
+ (unless (append t-iis t-sls t-psis)
+ (error (make-condition 'JTM-error :message (format nil "From import-topic-from-jtm-string(): the JTM topic ~a must have at least one identifier set in its members." jtm-list))))
+ (let* ((top (make-construct 'TopicC :start-revision revision
+ :psis t-psis
+ :item-identifiers t-iis
+ :locators t-sls)))
+ (dolist (tm local-parents)
+ (add-to-tm tm top))
+ top)))
+(defun make-instance-of-association (instance-top type-top parents &key
+ (revision *TM-REVISION*))
+ "Creates and returns a type-instance-association for the passed
+ instance and type topics."
+ (declare (TopicC instance-top type-top)
+ (List parents)
+ (Integer revision))
+ (let ((t-top (get-item-by-psi *type-psi* :revision revision))
+ (i-top (get-item-by-psi *instance-psi* :revision revision))
+ (ti-top (get-item-by-psi *type-instance-psi* :revision revision)))
+ (let ((assoc (make-construct 'AssociationC :start-revision revision
+ :instance-of ti-top
+ :roles (list (list :start-revision revision
+ :player instance-top
+ :instance-of i-top)
+ (list :start-revision revision
+ :player type-top
+ :instance-of t-top)))))
+ (dolist (tm parents)
+ (add-to-tm tm assoc))
+ assoc)))
+(defun merge-topics-from-jtm-lists (jtm-lists parents &key (instance-of-p t)
+ (revision *TM-REVISION*) prefixes)
+ "Creates and returns a list of topics."
+ (declare (List jtm-lists parents prefixes)
+ (Boolean instance-of-p)
+ (Integer revision))
+ (map 'list #'(lambda(jtm-list)
+ (merge-topic-from-jtm-list
+ jtm-list parents :revision revision :prefixes prefixes
+ :instance-of-p instance-of-p))
+ jtm-lists))
+(defun merge-topic-from-jtm-list(jtm-list parents &key (instance-of-p t)
+ (revision *TM-REVISION*) prefixes)
+ "Creates and returns a topic object from the passed jtm
+ list generated by json:decode-json-from-string."
+ (declare (List jtm-list prefixes parents)
+ (Boolean instance-of-p)
+ (Integer revision))
+ (let* ((ids (append (get-item :ITEM--IDENTIFIERS jtm-list)
+ (get-item :SUBJECT--IDENTIFIERS jtm-list)
+ (get-item :SUBJECT--LOCATORS jtm-list)))
+ (top (when ids
+ (get-item-from-jtm-reference (first ids) :revision revision
+ :prefixes prefixes)))
+ (instanceof (get-items-from-jtm-references
+ (get-item :INSTANCE--OF jtm-list) :revision revision
+ :prefixes prefixes))
+ (top-names (import-characteristics-from-jtm-lists
+ (get-item :NAMES jtm-list) top
+ #'import-name-from-jtm-list :revision revision
+ :prefixes prefixes))
+ (top-occs (import-characteristics-from-jtm-lists
+ (get-item :OCCURRENCES jtm-list) top
+ #'import-occurrence-from-jtm-list :revision revision
+ :prefixes prefixes)))
+ (unless ids
+ (error (make-condition 'JTM-error :message (format nil "From merge-topic-from-jtm-list(): the passed topic has to own at least one identifier: ~a" jtm-list))))
+ (unless top
+ (error (make-condition 'JTM-error :message (format nil "From merge-topic-from-jtm-list(): cannot find a topic that matches the corresponding JTM-list: ~a" jtm-list))))
+ (when (and (not instance-of-p) instanceof)
+ (error (make-condition 'JTM-error :message (format nil "From merge-topic-from-jtm-list(): the JTM-topic has an instance_of member set, but JTM version 1.0 does not allow an intance_of member within a topic object: ~a" jtm-list))))
+ (dolist (type-top instanceof)
+ (make-instance-of-association top type-top parents :revision revision))
+ (dolist (name top-names)
+ (add-name top name :revision revision))
+ (dolist (occ top-occs)
+ (add-occurrence top occ :revision revision))
+ top))
(defun import-name-from-jtm-list (jtm-list parent &key
(revision *TM-REVISION*) prefixes)
"Creates and returns a name object from the passed jtm
@@ -59,9 +183,9 @@
:reifier (when reifier
reifier :revision revision :prefixes prefixes)))))
- (import-constructs-from-jtm-lists name-variants name
- #'import-variant-from-jtm-list
- :revision revision :prefixes prefixes)
+ (import-characteristics-from-jtm-lists name-variants name
+ #'import-variant-from-jtm-list
+ :revision revision :prefixes prefixes)
@@ -105,8 +229,8 @@
reifier :revision revision :prefixes prefixes)))))
-(defun import-constructs-from-jtm-lists(jtm-lists parent next-fun &key
- (revision *TM-REVISION*) prefixes)
+(defun import-characteristics-from-jtm-lists(jtm-lists parent next-fun &key
+ (revision *TM-REVISION*) prefixes)
"Creates and returns a list of TM-Constructs returned by next-fun."
(declare (List jtm-lists prefixes)
(Integer revision)
Modified: trunk/src/unit_tests/jtm_test.lisp
--- trunk/src/unit_tests/jtm_test.lisp (original)
+++ trunk/src/unit_tests/jtm_test.lisp Sat May 7 18:02:56 2011
@@ -1634,6 +1634,14 @@
#'jtm::import-name-from-jtm-list :revision 100)))))
+; *import-topic-stubs-from-jtm-lists
+; *import-topic-stub-from-jtm-list
+; *make-instance-of-association
+; *merge-topics-from-jtm-lists
+; *merge-topic-from-jtm-list
(defun run-jtm-tests()
"Runs all tests of this test-suite."
(it.bese.fiveam:run! 'jtm-tests))
\ No newline at end of file

06 May '11
Author: lgiessmann
Date: Fri May 6 19:02:35 2011
New Revision: 455
JTM: added unit-tests for functions that are responsible for importing jtm-variants, jtm-names, and jtm-occurrences => fixed some bugs
Modified: trunk/src/json/JTM/jtm_importer.lisp
--- trunk/src/json/JTM/jtm_importer.lisp (original)
+++ trunk/src/json/JTM/jtm_importer.lisp Fri May 6 19:02:35 2011
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
(get-item :ITEM--IDENTIFIERS jtm-list)
:prefixes prefixes))
(scope (get-item :SCOPE jtm-list))
- (type (get-item :SCOPE jtm-list))
+ (type (get-item :TYPE jtm-list))
(value (get-item :VALUE jtm-list))
(name-variants (get-item :VARIANTS jtm-list))
(reifier (get-item :REIFIER jtm-list))
@@ -43,20 +43,19 @@
(when parent-references
parent-references :revision revision :prefixes prefixes)))))
- (unless local-parent
- (error (make-condition 'JTM-error :message (format nil "From import-occurrence-from-jtm-string(): the JTM occurrence ~a must have a parent set in its members." jtm-list))))
- (unless type
- (error (make-condition 'JTM-error :message (format nil "From import-occurrence-from-jtm-string(): the JTM occurrence ~a must have a type set in its members." jtm-list))))
+ (when (/= (length local-parent) 1)
+ (error (make-condition 'JTM-error :message (format nil "From import-name-from-jtm-string(): the JTM name ~a must have exactly one parent set in its members." jtm-list))))
(let ((name
'NameC :start-revision revision
:item-identifiers iis
- :value (if value value "")
+ :charvalue value
:themes (get-items-from-jtm-references
scope :revision revision :prefixes prefixes)
- :instance-of (get-item-from-jtm-reference
- type :revision revision :prefixes prefixes)
- :parent local-parent
+ :instance-of (when type
+ (get-item-from-jtm-reference
+ type :revision revision :prefixes prefixes))
+ :parent (first local-parent)
:reifier (when reifier
reifier :revision revision :prefixes prefixes)))))
@@ -72,13 +71,13 @@
list generated by json:decode-json-from-string."
(declare (List jtm-list prefixes)
(Integer revision)
- (type (or Null OccurrenceC) parent))
+ (type (or Null TopicC) parent))
(let* ((iis (import-identifiers-from-jtm-strings
(get-item :ITEM--IDENTIFIERS jtm-list)
:prefixes prefixes))
(datatype (get-item :DATATYPE jtm-list))
(scope (get-item :SCOPE jtm-list))
- (type (get-item :SCOPE jtm-list))
+ (type (get-item :TYPE jtm-list))
(value (get-item :VALUE jtm-list))
(reifier (get-item :REIFIER jtm-list))
(parent-references (get-item :PARENT jtm-list))
@@ -88,19 +87,19 @@
(when parent-references
parent-references :revision revision :prefixes prefixes)))))
- (unless local-parent
+ (when (/= (length local-parent) 1)
(error (make-condition 'JTM-error :message (format nil "From import-occurrence-from-jtm-string(): the JTM occurrence ~a must have a parent set in its members." jtm-list))))
(unless type
(error (make-condition 'JTM-error :message (format nil "From import-occurrence-from-jtm-string(): the JTM occurrence ~a must have a type set in its members." jtm-list))))
(make-construct 'OccurrenceC :start-revision revision
:item-identifiers iis
:datatype (if datatype datatype *xml-string*)
- :value (if value value "")
+ :charvalue value
:themes (get-items-from-jtm-references
scope :revision revision :prefixes prefixes)
:instance-of (get-item-from-jtm-reference
type :revision revision :prefixes prefixes)
- :parent local-parent
+ :parent (first local-parent)
:reifier (when reifier
reifier :revision revision :prefixes prefixes)))))
@@ -111,7 +110,7 @@
"Creates and returns a list of TM-Constructs returned by next-fun."
(declare (List jtm-lists prefixes)
(Integer revision)
- (type (or Null NameC) parent)
+ (type (or Null ReifiableConstructC) parent)
(Function next-fun))
(map 'list #'(lambda(jtm-list)
(apply next-fun (list jtm-list parent :revision revision
@@ -140,22 +139,22 @@
(when parent-references
parent-references :revision revision :prefixes prefixes)))))
- (unless local-parent
- (error (make-condition 'JTM-error :message (format nil "From import-variant-from-jtm-string(): the JTM variant ~a must have a parent set in its members." jtm-list))))
+ (when (/= (length local-parent) 1)
+ (error (make-condition 'JTM-error :message (format nil "From import-variant-from-jtm-string(): the JTM variant ~a must have exactly one parent set in its members." jtm-list))))
(make-construct 'VariantC :start-revision revision
:item-identifiers iis
:datatype (if datatype datatype *xml-string*)
- :value (if value value "")
+ :charvalue value
:themes (get-items-from-jtm-references
scope :revision revision :prefixes prefixes)
- :parent local-parent
+ :parent (first local-parent)
:reifier (when reifier
reifier :revision revision :prefixes prefixes)))))
(defun import-identifiers-from-jtm-strings
- (jtm-strings &key (identifier-type-symbol 'ItemIdentifeirC) prefixes)
+ (jtm-strings &key (identifier-type-symbol 'ItemIdentifierC) prefixes)
"Creates and returns a list of identifiers specified by jtm-strings and
(declare (List jtm-strings)
@@ -163,11 +162,13 @@
(List prefixes))
(map 'list #'(lambda(jtm-string)
- jtm-string identifier-type-symbol :prefixes prefixes))
+ jtm-string :prefixes prefixes
+ :identifier-type-symbol identifier-type-symbol))
-(defun import-identifier-from-jtm-string(jtm-string identifier-type-symbol
- &key prefixes)
+(defun import-identifier-from-jtm-string
+ (jtm-string &key (identifier-type-symbol 'ItemIdentifierC) prefixes)
"Creates and returns an identifier of the type specified by
(declare (String jtm-string)
Modified: trunk/src/model/datamodel.lisp
--- trunk/src/model/datamodel.lisp (original)
+++ trunk/src/model/datamodel.lisp Fri May 6 19:02:35 2011
@@ -2224,15 +2224,19 @@
:revision revision)))))
;no revision need to be checked, since the revision
;is implicitely checked by the function identified-construct
- (if (and result
- (let ((parent-elem
- (when (or (typep result 'CharacteristicC)
- (typep result 'RoleC))
- (parent result :revision revision))))
- (find-item-by-revision result revision parent-elem)))
+ (if result
(when error-if-nil
(error (make-object-not-found-condition "No such item is bound to the given identifier uri."))))))
+;(if (and result
+;(let ((parent-elem
+;(when (or (typep result 'CharacteristicC)
+;(typep result 'RoleC))
+;(parent result :revision revision))))
+;(find-item-by-revision result revision parent-elem)))
+;(when error-if-nil
+;(error (make-object-not-found-condition "No such item is bound to the given identifier uri."))))))
(defun get-item-by-item-identifier (uri &key (revision *TM-REVISION*)
Modified: trunk/src/unit_tests/jtm_test.lisp
--- trunk/src/unit_tests/jtm_test.lisp (original)
+++ trunk/src/unit_tests/jtm_test.lisp Fri May 6 19:02:35 2011
@@ -34,7 +34,12 @@
- :test-import-jtm-references-2))
+ :test-import-jtm-references-2
+ :test-get-item
+ :test-import-identifiers
+ :test-import-variants
+ :test-import-occurrences
+ :test-import-names))
(in-package :jtm-test)
@@ -1298,17 +1303,335 @@
(is (eql (elt refs (+ idx 4)) assoc-1)))))))
+(test test-get-item
+ "Tests the function get-item."
+ (let* ((jtm-variant "{\"version\":\"1.1\",\"prefixes\":{\"xsd\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#\",\"pref_1\":\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/\"},\"item_identifiers\":[\"http://some.where/ii-1\",\"[pref_1:ii-2]\"],\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#string\",\"value\":\"var-1\",\"item_type\":\"variant\",\"parent\":[\"ii:[pref_1:ii-1]\"],\"scope\":[\"si:[pref_1:psi-1]\"],\"reifier\":null}")
+ (jtm-lst (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-variant)))
+ (is (string= (jtm::get-item :VERSION jtm-lst) "1.1"))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or (jtm::get-item :ITEM--IDENTIFIERS jtm-lst)
+ (list "http://some.where/ii-1"
+ "[pref_1:ii-2]") :test #'string=))
+ (is (eql (first (first (jtm::get-item :PREFIXES jtm-lst))) :XSD))
+ (is (string= (rest (first (jtm::get-item :PREFIXES jtm-lst)))
+ ""))
+ (is (eql (first (second (jtm::get-item :PREFIXES jtm-lst))) :PREF--1))
+ (is (string= (rest (second (jtm::get-item :PREFIXES jtm-lst)))
+ "http://some.where/"))))
+(test test-import-identifiers
+ "Tests the functions import-identifier-from-jtm-string and
+ import-identifiers-from-jtm-strings."
+ (with-fixture with-empty-db ("data_base")
+ (let* ((prefixes (list (list :pref "pref_1" :value "")
+ (list :pref "pref_2" :value "")
+ (list :pref "pref_3" :value "")))
+ (j-ii-1 "")
+ (j-ii-2 "[pref_1:ii-2]")
+ (j-sl-1 "[pref_2:sl-1]")
+ (j-sl-2 "[pref_3:app_2/sl-2]")
+ (j-psi-1 "[pref_3:psi-1]")
+ (j-psi-2 "")
+ (ii-1 (jtm::import-identifier-from-jtm-string j-ii-1 :prefixes prefixes))
+ (sl-1 (jtm::import-identifier-from-jtm-string
+ j-sl-1 :prefixes prefixes :identifier-type-symbol 'SubjectLocatorC))
+ (psi-1 (jtm::import-identifier-from-jtm-string
+ j-psi-1 :prefixes prefixes :identifier-type-symbol 'PersistentIdC))
+ (psi-2 (jtm::import-identifier-from-jtm-string
+ j-psi-2 :prefixes prefixes :identifier-type-symbol 'PersistentIdC))
+ (psis (jtm::import-identifiers-from-jtm-strings
+ (list j-psi-1 j-psi-2) :prefixes prefixes
+ :identifier-type-symbol 'PersistentIdC))
+ (iis (jtm::import-identifiers-from-jtm-strings (list j-ii-1 j-ii-2)
+ :prefixes prefixes))
+ (ii-2 (elephant:get-instance-by-value
+ 'd:ItemIdentifierC 'd:uri ""))
+ (sls (jtm::import-identifiers-from-jtm-strings
+ (list j-sl-1 j-sl-2) :prefixes prefixes
+ :identifier-type-symbol 'SubjectLocatorC))
+ (sl-2 (elephant:get-instance-by-value
+ 'd:SubjectLocatorC 'd:uri "")))
+ (signals exceptions:JTM-error
+ (jtm::import-identifier-from-jtm-string j-ii-2))
+ (signals exceptions:duplicate-identifier-error
+ (jtm::import-identifier-from-jtm-string
+ j-ii-1 :identifier-type-symbol 'PersistentIdC))
+ (signals exceptions:JTM-error
+ (jtm::import-identifiers-from-jtm-strings (list j-ii-2)))
+ (signals exceptions:duplicate-identifier-error
+ (jtm::import-identifiers-from-jtm-strings
+ (list j-ii-1) :identifier-type-symbol 'PersistentIdC))
+ (is (eql (elephant:get-instance-by-value 'd:ItemIdentifierC 'd:uri j-ii-1)
+ ii-1))
+ (is (find ii-2 iis))
+ (is (eql (elephant:get-instance-by-value
+ 'd:SubjectLocatorC 'd:uri "")
+ sl-1))
+ (is (find sl-2 sls))
+ (is (eql (elephant:get-instance-by-value
+ 'd:PersistentIdC 'd:uri "")
+ psi-1))
+ (is (eql (elephant:get-instance-by-value 'd:PersistentIdC 'd:uri j-psi-2)
+ psi-2))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or psis (list psi-1 psi-2)))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or iis (list ii-1 ii-2)))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or sls (list sl-1 sl-2))))))
+(test test-import-variants
+ "Tests the functions import-variant-from-jtm-string and
+ import-constructs-from-jtm-strings."
+ (with-fixture with-empty-db ("data_base")
+ (let* ((prefixes (list (list :pref "xsd" :value *xsd-ns*)
+ (list :pref "pref_1" :value "http://some.where/")))
+ (jtm-var-1 (concat "{\"version\":\"1.1\",\"prefixes\":{\"xsd\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#\",\"pref_1\":\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/\"},\"item_identifiers\":null,\"datatype\":" (json:encode-json-to-string *xml-string*) ",\"value\":\"var-1\",\"item_type\":\"variant\",\"parent\":[\"ii:[pref_1:ii-1]\"],\"scope\":[\"si:[pref_1:psi-1]\"],\"reifier\":null}"))
+ (jtm-var-2 (concat "{\"version\":\"1.0\",\"item_identifiers\":[\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/ii-3\"],\"datatype\":" (json:encode-json-to-string *xml-uri*) ",\"value\":\"http:\\/\\/any.uri\",\"item_type\":\"variant\",\"scope\":[\"sl:http:\\/\\/some.where\\/sl-1\"],\"reifier\":\"ii:http:\\/\\/some.where\\/ii-2\"}"))
+ (jtm-var-3 (concat "{\"version\":\"1.1\",\"prefixes\":{\"xsd\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#\",\"pref_1\":\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/\"},\"item_identifiers\":null,\"datatype\":" (json:encode-json-to-string *xml-string*) ",\"value\":\"var-1\",\"item_type\":\"variant\",\"parent\":[\"ii:[pref_1:ii-10]\"],\"scope\":[\"si:[pref_1:psi-1]\"],\"reifier\":null}"))
+ (name-1 (make-construct
+ 'NameC :start-revision 100
+ :item-identifiers
+ (list (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC
+ :uri "http://some.where/ii-1"))))
+ (scope-1 (make-construct
+ 'TopicC :start-revision 100
+ :psis
+ (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+ :uri "http://some.where/psi-1"))))
+ (var-1 (jtm::import-variant-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-var-1) nil :revision 100
+ :prefixes prefixes))
+ (scope-2 (make-construct
+ 'TopicC :start-revision 100
+ :locators
+ (list (make-construct 'SubjectLocatorC
+ :uri "http://some.where/sl-1"))))
+ (reifier-2 (make-construct
+ 'TopicC :start-revision 100
+ :item-identifiers
+ (list (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC
+ :uri "http://some.where/ii-2"))))
+ (var-2 (jtm::import-variant-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-var-2) name-1 :revision 100
+ :prefixes prefixes))
+ (vars (jtm::import-constructs-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-var-1)
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-var-2)) name-1
+ #'jtm::import-variant-from-jtm-list :revision 100
+ :prefixes prefixes)))
+ (is-true (d:find-item-by-revision var-1 100 name-1))
+ (is-false (d:find-item-by-revision var-1 50 name-1))
+ (is (eql (parent var-1 :revision 0) name-1))
+ (is (eql (parent var-2 :revision 0) name-1))
+ (is (string= (datatype var-1) *xml-string*))
+ (is (string= (datatype var-2) *xml-uri*))
+ (is (string= (charvalue var-1) "var-1"))
+ (is (string= (charvalue var-2) "http://any.uri"))
+ (is-false (d:item-identifiers var-1 :revision 0))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or
+ (map 'list #'d:uri (d:item-identifiers var-2 :revision 0))
+ (list "http://some.where/ii-3") :test #'string=))
+ (is-false (reifier var-1 :revision 0))
+ (is (eql (reifier var-2 :revision 0) reifier-2))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or (themes var-1 :revision 0) (list scope-1)))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or (themes var-2 :revision 0) (list scope-2)))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or vars (list var-1 var-2)))
+ (signals exceptions:missing-reference-error
+ (jtm::import-variant-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-var-3) nil :revision 100
+ :prefixes prefixes))
+ (signals exceptions:JTM-error
+ (jtm::import-variant-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-var-1) name-1 :revision 100))
+ (signals exceptions:JTM-error
+ (jtm::import-variant-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-var-2) nil :revision 100))
+ (signals exceptions:missing-reference-error
+ (jtm::import-constructs-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-var-3)) nil
+ #'jtm::import-variant-from-jtm-list :revision 100
+ :prefixes prefixes))
+ (signals exceptions:JTM-error
+ (jtm::import-constructs-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-var-1)) name-1
+ #'jtm::import-variant-from-jtm-list :revision 100))
+ (signals exceptions:JTM-error
+ (jtm::import-constructs-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-var-2)) nil
+ #'jtm::import-variant-from-jtm-list :revision 100)))))
-;TODO: *get-item
-; *import-identifier-from-jtm-string
-; *import-identifiers-from-jtm-strings
-; *import-variant-from-jtm-list
-; *import-variants-from-jtm-lists
-; *import-occurrence-from-jtm-list
-; *import-occurrences-from-jtm-lists
-; *import-name-from-jtm-list
-; *import-names-from-jtm-lists
+(test test-import-occurrences
+ "Tests the functions import-occurrence-from-jtm-string and
+ import-constructs-from-jtm-strings."
+ (with-fixture with-empty-db ("data_base")
+ (let* ((prefixes (list (list :pref "xsd" :value *xsd-ns*)
+ (list :pref "pref_1" :value "http://some.where/")))
+ (jtm-occ-1 (concat "{\"version\":\"1.1\",\"prefixes\":{\"xsd\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#\",\"pref_1\":\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/\"},\"item_identifiers\":[\"[pref_1:ii-2]\"],\"datatype\":" (json:encode-json-to-string *xml-string* ) ",\"type\":\"sl:[pref_1:sl-1]\",\"value\":\"occ-1\",\"item_type\":\"occurrence\",\"parent\":[\"si:[pref_1:psi-1]\"],\"scope\":[\"si:[pref_1:psi-1]\"],\"reifier\":\"ii:[pref_1:ii-1]\"}"))
+ (jtm-occ-2 (concat "{\"version\":\"1.0\",\"item_identifiers\":null,\"datatype\":" (json:encode-json-to-string *xml-uri* ) ",\"type\":\"si:http:\\/\\/some.where\\/psi-1\",\"value\":\"http:\\/\\/any.uri\",\"item_type\":\"occurrence\",\"scope\":null,\"reifier\":null}"))
+ (jtm-occ-3 (concat "{\"version\":\"1.1\",\"prefixes\":{\"xsd\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#\",\"pref_1\":\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/\"},\"item_identifiers\":[\"[pref_1:ii-2]\"],\"datatype\":" (json:encode-json-to-string *xml-string* ) ",\"type\":\"sl:[pref_1:sl-1]\",\"value\":\"occ-1\",\"item_type\":\"occurrence\",\"parent\":[\"si:[pref_1:psi-6]\"],\"scope\":[\"si:[pref_1:psi-1]\"],\"reifier\":\"ii:[pref_1:ii-1]\"}"))
+ (jtm-occ-4 (concat "{\"version\":\"1.0\",\"item_identifiers\":null,\"datatype\":" (json:encode-json-to-string *xml-uri* ) ",\"type\":null,\"value\":\"http:\\/\\/any.uri\",\"item_type\":\"occurrence\",\"scope\":null,\"reifier\":null}"))
+ (jtm-occ-5 (concat "{\"version\":\"1.0\",\"item_identifiers\":null,\"datatype\":" (json:encode-json-to-string *xml-uri* ) ",\"type\":\"si:http://any-uri/psi-10\",\"value\":\"http:\\/\\/any.uri\",\"item_type\":\"occurrence\",\"scope\":null,\"reifier\":null}"))
+ (type-1 (make-construct
+ 'TopicC :start-revision 0
+ :locators
+ (list (make-construct 'SubjectLocatorC
+ :uri "http://some.where/sl-1"))))
+ (scope-1 (make-construct
+ 'TopicC :start-revision 0
+ :psis
+ (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+ :uri "http://some.where/psi-1"))))
+ (reifier-1 (make-construct
+ 'TopicC :start-revision 0
+ :item-identifiers
+ (list (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC
+ :uri "http://some.where/ii-1"))))
+ (parent-1 scope-1)
+ (type-2 scope-1)
+ (occ-1 (jtm::import-occurrence-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-occ-1) nil :revision 100
+ :prefixes prefixes))
+ (occ-2 (jtm::import-occurrence-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-occ-2) parent-1 :revision 100
+ :prefixes prefixes))
+ (occs (jtm::import-constructs-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-occ-1)
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-occ-2)) parent-1
+ #'jtm::import-occurrence-from-jtm-list :revision 100
+ :prefixes prefixes)))
+ (is-true (d:find-item-by-revision occ-1 100 parent-1))
+ (is-false (d:find-item-by-revision occ-1 50 parent-1))
+ (is (eql (parent occ-1 :revision 0) parent-1))
+ (is (eql (parent occ-2 :revision 0) parent-1))
+ (is (string= (datatype occ-1) *xml-string*))
+ (is (string= (datatype occ-2) *xml-uri*))
+ (is (string= (charvalue occ-1) "occ-1"))
+ (is (string= (charvalue occ-2) "http://any.uri"))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or
+ (map 'list #'d:uri (d:item-identifiers occ-1 :revision 0))
+ (list "http://some.where/ii-2") :test #'string=))
+ (is-false (d:item-identifiers occ-2 :revision 0))
+ (is (eql (reifier occ-1 :revision 0) reifier-1))
+ (is-false (reifier occ-2 :revision 0))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or (themes occ-1 :revision 0) (list scope-1)))
+ (is-false (themes occ-2 :revision 0))
+ (is (eql (instance-of occ-1 :revision 0) type-1))
+ (is (eql (instance-of occ-2 :revision 0) type-2))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or (list occ-1 occ-2) occs))
+ (signals exceptions:missing-reference-error
+ (jtm::import-occurrence-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-occ-5) parent-1 :revision 100
+ :prefixes prefixes))
+ (signals exceptions:JTM-error
+ (jtm::import-occurrence-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-occ-4) parent-1 :revision 100
+ :prefixes prefixes))
+ (signals exceptions:missing-reference-error
+ (jtm::import-occurrence-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-occ-3) nil :revision 100
+ :prefixes prefixes))
+ (signals exceptions:JTM-error
+ (jtm::import-occurrence-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-occ-1) parent-1 :revision 100))
+ (signals exceptions:JTM-error
+ (jtm::import-occurrence-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-occ-2) nil :revision 100))
+ (signals exceptions:missing-reference-error
+ (jtm::import-constructs-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-occ-3)) nil
+ #'jtm::import-occurrence-from-jtm-list :revision 100
+ :prefixes prefixes))
+ (signals exceptions:JTM-error
+ (jtm::import-constructs-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-occ-1)) parent-1
+ #'jtm::import-occurrence-from-jtm-list :revision 100))
+ (signals exceptions:JTM-error
+ (jtm::import-constructs-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-occ-2)) nil
+ #'jtm::import-occurrence-from-jtm-list :revision 100)))))
+(test test-import-names
+ "Tests the functions import-name-from-jtm-string and
+ import-constructs-from-jtm-strings."
+ (with-fixture with-empty-db ("data_base")
+ (let* ((prefixes (list (list :pref "xsd" :value *xsd-ns*)
+ (list :pref "pref_1" :value *xsd-ns*)
+ (list :pref "pref_2" :value "http://some.where/")))
+ (jtm-name-1 (concat "{\"version\":\"1.1\",\"prefixes\":{\"pref_1\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#\",\"xsd\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#\",\"pref_2\":\"http:\\/\\/some.where\\/\"},\"item_identifiers\":[\"[pref_2:ii-2]\"],\"value\":\"name-1\",\"type\":\"sl:[pref_2:sl-1]\",\"item_type\":\"name\",\"parent\":[\"si:[pref_2:psi-1]\"],\"scope\":[\"si:[pref_2:psi-1]\"],\"variants\":[{\"item_identifiers\":null,\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#string\",\"value\":\"var-1\",\"scope\":[\"sl:[pref_2:sl-1]\"],\"reifier\":null},{\"item_identifiers\":null,\"datatype\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/2001\\/XMLSchema#string\",\"value\":\"var-2\",\"scope\":[\"sl:[pref_2:sl-1]\"],\"reifier\":null}],\"reifier\":\"ii:[pref_2:ii-1]\"}"))
+ (jtm-name-2 "{\"version\":\"1.0\",\"item_identifiers\":null,\"value\":\"name-2\",\"type\":null,\"item_type\":\"name\",\"scope\":null,\"variants\":null,\"reifier\":null}")
+ (jtm-name-3 "{\"version\":\"1.0\",\"item_identifiers\":null,\"value\":\"name-2\",\"type\":null,\"item_type\":\"name\",\"parent\":[\"si:[pref_2:psi-10]\"],\"scope\":null,\"variants\":null,\"reifier\":null}")
+ (type-1 (make-construct
+ 'TopicC :start-revision 100
+ :locators
+ (list (make-construct 'SubjectLocatorC
+ :uri "http://some.where/sl-1"))))
+ (parent-1 (make-construct
+ 'TopicC :start-revision 100
+ :psis
+ (list (make-construct 'PersistentIdC
+ :uri "http://some.where/psi-1"))))
+ (scope-1 parent-1)
+ (reifier-1 (make-construct
+ 'TopicC :start-revision 100
+ :item-identifiers
+ (list (make-construct 'ItemIdentifierC
+ :uri "http://some.where/ii-1"))))
+ (name-1 (jtm::import-name-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-name-1) nil :revision 100
+ :prefixes prefixes))
+ (name-2 (jtm::import-name-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-name-2) parent-1 :revision 100
+ :prefixes prefixes))
+ (names (jtm::import-constructs-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-name-1)
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-name-2)) parent-1
+ #'jtm::import-name-from-jtm-list :revision 100
+ :prefixes prefixes)))
+ (is-true (d:find-item-by-revision name-1 100 parent-1))
+ (is-false (d:find-item-by-revision name-1 50 parent-1))
+ (is (eql (parent name-1 :revision 0) parent-1))
+ (is (eql (parent name-2 :revision 0) parent-1))
+ (is (string= (charvalue name-1) "name-1"))
+ (is (string= (charvalue name-2) "name-2"))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or
+ (map 'list #'d:uri (d:item-identifiers name-1 :revision 0))
+ (list "http://some.where/ii-2") :test #'string=))
+ (is-false (d:item-identifiers name-2 :revision 0))
+ (is (eql (reifier name-1 :revision 0) reifier-1))
+ (is-false (reifier name-2 :revision 0))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or (themes name-1 :revision 0) (list scope-1)))
+ (is-false (themes name-2 :revision 0))
+ (is (eql (instance-of name-1 :revision 0) type-1))
+ (is-false (instance-of name-2 :revision 0))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or
+ (map 'list #'d:charvalue (variants name-1 :revision 0))
+ (list "var-1" "var-2") :test #'string=))
+ (is-false (variants name-2 :revision 0))
+ (is-false (set-exclusive-or names (list name-1 name-2)))
+ (signals exceptions:missing-reference-error
+ (jtm::import-name-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-name-3) nil :revision 100
+ :prefixes prefixes))
+ (signals exceptions:JTM-error
+ (jtm::import-name-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-name-1) parent-1 :revision 100))
+ (signals exceptions:JTM-error
+ (jtm::import-name-from-jtm-list
+ (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-name-2) nil :revision 100))
+ (signals exceptions:missing-reference-error
+ (jtm::import-constructs-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-name-3)) nil
+ #'jtm::import-name-from-jtm-list :revision 100
+ :prefixes prefixes))
+ (signals exceptions:JTM-error
+ (jtm::import-constructs-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-name-1)) parent-1
+ #'jtm::import-name-from-jtm-list :revision 100))
+ (signals exceptions:JTM-error
+ (jtm::import-constructs-from-jtm-lists
+ (list (json:decode-json-from-string jtm-name-2)) nil
+ #'jtm::import-name-from-jtm-list :revision 100)))))
(defun run-jtm-tests()