The document at uses this as an example of the superiority of iterate over loop:
Finding the longest list in a list of lists:
(iterate (for elt in list-of-lists)
(finding elt maximizing (length elt)))
whereas the example of how it can be done in loop is long and contorted. But loop can do
(loop for elt in list-of-lists
maximizing (length elt))
The example in 3.2 Named blocks may be better as a selling point:
(iter outer (for i below (array-dimension ar 0))
(iter (for j below (array-dimension ar 1))
(in outer (collect (aref ar i j)))))
showing that the outer loop can easily collect data produced in the inner loop.
trying to install iterate with (asdf-install:install :iterate)
I get the following error:
;;; Compiling file
Error: Unsyntactic ! syntax: "1"
It refers to the first time the !1 is seen, in defun walk:
(t ;; Lisp function call
(return-code-modifying-body #'walk-arglist (cdr form)
#L(list (cons (car form) !1))))))
any help appreciated. I was using sbcl and appreciated iterate over
loop, and would like to use it from allegro.
Michael Pheasant
Software Engineer
Queensland Facility for Advanced Bioinformatics
Level 6, QBP
University of Queensland, QLD 4072
T: +61 (0)7 3346 2070
F: +61 (0)7 3346 2101