On 1/4/12 Jan 4 -8:22 PM, Robert Goldman wrote:
I find that ACL 8.2 gets 4 failed tests on the latest iterate from darcs:
Looking further, I think I have identified the divergence --- in ACL, CL:RETURN is a special-operator, and in SBCL, it is not:
Allegro: CL-USER> (special-operator-p 'return) #<special operator RETURN @ #x1000054c32>
SBCL: CL-USER> (special-operator-p 'return) NIL
I believe the appropriate fix is to include RETURN in the first list of special symbols in the case statement. This will be benign for SBCL (it won't visit that, since RETURN is not a special-operator), but should fix things for ACL.
Making that change, I see that now both ACL and SBCL have only one test failure.
Oh, dear. Looking further into the hyperspec, I see that this seems to be a case where ACL collides with the ANSI spec.... I will report this to Franz as a bug. Best, r