On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 9:30 AM, <Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle@t-systems.com> wrote:
Are you implying that instead of lambda forms one should define the functions and use function names. No. Just look at the examples in the source code, incl. tests. The key is to write #'(lambda ...) aka. (function (lambda ...)), not (lambda ...)
Like this? (defclause-sequence matrix-row matrix-row-index :access-fn #'(lambda (grid index) (assert (and (grid:gridp grid) (eql (grid:grid-rank grid) 2)) (grid)) (grid:row grid index)) :size-fn #'(lambda (grid) (assert (and (grid:gridp grid) (eql (grid:grid-rank grid) 2)) (grid)) (first (grid:grid-dimensions grid))) :element-type t :sequence-type t :element-doc-string "(copied) rows of a matrix" :index-doc-string "index of the rows in a matrix") Unfortunately, that did not help improve things. Also, the iterate documentation has an example of `defclause-sequence' (bottom of p.26 of the pdf file). There is no #'(lambda ...), just plain (lambda ...) Thank you for your time, Mirko