Mark L. Williams CIV NSWC-PC wrote:
;;; Compiling file [path]/iterate.lisp ; While compiling (:top-level-form "iterate.lisp" 85868): Error: DEFCLAUSE: required part of template (FOR var-spec &sequence) is of odd length
Since I am suspecting a "modern" Allegro package problem, could you please take a look at (defun define-clause (define-form clause-template body generator?) in the source? In my current source (since RCS 1.24, mid-April), it says therein: (if (and (symbolp last) (string= last '&sequence)) In iterate-1.0.9 and still in November 2004, it said: (if (and (symbolp last) (string= last "&SEQUENCE")) a) what does yours say? b) if "&SEQUENCE", does '&sequence help? BTW, I'm about to send Marc, Marco and Peter a new version. It would be nice to hear if b) fixes your problem. Regards, Jörg Höhle