"Patrick X" <dabittweiler@gmail.com> writes:
hello i can't since to get the iterate to work via slime
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'iterate) ;is how i normally load the package
i tried putting the depends-on function from the site in .emacs but it didn't work. I can I make sbcl depends on iterate everytime it is fire up.
You need to put this in your sbcl startup code, not your .emacs file. Maybe someone more sbcl aware can tell you exactly how to configure it.
reading the iterate manual i still confuse on how to open files with iterate (iterate:iter (for line in-file #p"/var/log/messages") (do (print line))) this is how i thought I should use it.
To read each line in a file use: (iter (for line in-file #p"/var/log/messages" :using 'read-line) (print line)) Cheers, Chris Dean