Hi, First, thanks for maintaining this package -- it looks quite useful and much nicer than loop! I believe that the asdf-install for the iterate package is partially broken: ; SLIME 2005-04-27 CL-USER> (asdf-install:install 'iterate) Install where? 1) System-wide install: System in /usr/local/asdf-install/site-systems/ Files in /usr/local/asdf-install/site/ 2) Personal installation: System in /home/fukunaga/.asdf-install-dir/systems/ Files in /home/fukunaga/.asdf-install-dir/site/ --> 2 Downloading 337265 bytes from http://common-lisp.net/project/iterate/releases/iterate-current.tar.gz ... "[GNUPG:] ERRSIG 3E58406D6450AA06 17 2 00 1138035756 9" "[GNUPG:] NO_PUBKEY 3E58406D6450AA06" Installing ITERATE.asdf-install-tmp in /home/fukunaga/.asdf-install-dir/site/,/home/fukunaga/.asdf-install-dir/systems/ package.lisp iterate.lisp iterate-test.lisp iterate-pg.lisp iterate.asd doc/iter-man.tex doc/iter-bare.tex doc/aimemo.sty doc/GNUmakefile doc/iter-man.pdf doc/iter-bare.pdf #P"/home/fukunaga/.asdf-install-dir/site/package.lisp iterate.lisp iterate-test.lisp iterate-pg.lisp iterate.asd doc/" NIL CL-USER> Note the premature exit with NIL. The problem is that all the files are unpacked into the wrong directory, /home/fukunaga/.asdf-install-dir/site, instead of being unpacked into /home/fukunaga/.asdf-install-dir/site/iterate This causes asdf-install to quit without compiling the system or creating the symlink to iterate.asd from .asdf-install-dir/system regards, -Alex