Attila Lendvai writes:
this entire stuff is probably a few minutes for you probably :) Never. I'm used to double check the code, double-check the macro output (with and without multiple uses etc.). And I did not mention the need to add testcases, nor update the TeX documentation... Nor use of RCS/darcs/you-name-it. OTOH, answering e-mails always seems to take little time and little care :-)
I think a first-iteration-p would be more useful then an entire if-... construct. Same for first-time-p Indeed. You're completely right. Thanks for opening my eyes! A single predicate integrates even better with the rest of CL (which is one of Iterate's points over LOOP) than another custom IF*.
BTW, what's the iteration pattern that lead you to ...
Some other question comes to mind: does the need justify a new construct, or are the present ones "good enough"? I.e. if-first-iteration (non-sharing) could also be done using (for first-iteration initially t then nil) Of course, that would not share variables, but in DSL terms, it looks like a growth of non-orthogonal features, with slight variations between each (e.g. yours shares variables, if-first-time allows non-top-level use, if initially then is not as efficient (who cares?) etc.)
(finally (return `(progn ,@it))) Why not just `(progn .,(iter #)) ; read . , if you prefer -- it's not ,. or `(progn ,@(iter #)) since the "final" clause it never conditional?
Regards, Jörg Höhle.