Hoehle, Joerg-Cyril wrote:
I've had time to think about the issue some more (and to read the CLHS on loop yet again).
Actually, there could be somewhat distinct votes 1. Eliminate or not 2. FOR IN dotted list: error out (like LOOP) or not (compatible, someone's code may depend on this) -- apparently, that's the issue where opinions diverge.
Here's what I'm going to do when I'll have time: + Eliminate *list-end-test* + FOR IN uses ENDP (like Attila favours), like LOOP + FOR ON uses ATOM, like LOOP + add test cases + document change in behaviour.
I like that. Additionally, I suggest making *list-end-test* a symbol macro (that expands to something which errors when evaluated or setf'ed), so that code that relies on it being a special variable will break immediately. Cheers, -- Andreas Fuchs, (http://|im:asf@|mailto:asf@)boinkor.net, antifuchs