Hi, I've got a problem using iterate with the fare-matcher library (both current versions). In the following code fragment, the function FOO does as it should, matching for the symbol QUIT from the current package. The function BAR however only wraps it inside the iterate macro and then apparently produces slightly wrong code:
(use-package '(#:fare-matcher #:iterate))
(defun foo (msg) (match msg ('quit 42) (_ 'else)))
(foo 'quit) ;; 42
(defun bar (msg) (iterate (leave (match msg ('quit 42) (_ 'else)))))
(bar 'quit) ;; ELSE (bar 'fare-matcher::quit) ;; 42
Even with macroexpanding the two definitions I couldn't figure out where this goes wrong, so maybe you have an idea about this.
Cheers, Olof
- -- Es liegt in der menschlichen Natur, unvenrüntfig zu denken und zu handeln. -- nach Anatole France