I've sent a new version of Iterate to Marco, Marc, Kevin, Peter and a few others, so it should appear in the usual places soon.
Changes are too numerous to mention (and it depends on which version you're currently using:) and still extremely conservative.
I'll have to supply the updated iter-man.pdf a little later, because my current Ubuntu laptop generates much uglier fonts therein than the old Suse one (maybe the default printer which is ljfour is the reason??).
o supports nested in-hashtable and in-package o adjoin :at :start did not honour :test o fixed in-file/in-stream destructuring o do-next forgot about finally etc. clauses o works as case-sensitive package in CLISP (don't know about Allegro) o various optimizations, less bugs, more tests o tested with clisp, cmucl, sbcl, gclcvs
This is what I consider the last version of 1.4, called "conservative". 1.5 will do some possibly incompatible changes to allow more optimizations (see recent e-mail of mine about my version plan).
Regards, Jörg Höhle.