Good stuff! One less thing I'll have to setup.
Yeah, I had run across that too, extremely useful! :) Though a little bit of
investigation turned this up:;a=blob;f=lisp/ob-lisp.el;h=f009e1818d72811fbc3c901276a1f53289ccf73b;hb=b44f21b1e3239b65a1015658d682d941a790dda8
It seems that a version of dto's script has turned up in the recently
released version 7.5 of org-mode. I've download v7.5, tested it, almost
everything seems to work fine in Lisp world. One less hassle to deal with.
- Tyler
On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 6:24 AM, Robert Burghart <> wrote:
> I was very happy when I found out about org-babel. I've found it a lot
> easier to use than many of the other literate programming tools. One thing
> that found that was very useful was
> it's a script that enables org-babel
> to tangling a code block and send it to the active SLIME session.
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 7:41 AM, Brian Taylor <> wrote:
>> My day job is pretty research heavy and I use org mode to organize all of
>> my thoughts and TODO's and my notes from meetings. I occasionally use
>> org-babel to code directly in my notes and to operate on tables that I've
>> created in my notes. For me it's really been an effective tool.
>> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 2:45 AM, Tyler Church <>
>> wrote:
>>> Not too long ago, I ran across David's
>>> blog(,
>>> more specifically the post on using org-babel for Literate Programming
>>> (
>>> My first thought was "Oh man, I've gotta try this," and with a little
>>> time
>>> and frustration, I got org-babel working decently well. The game I'm
>>> working
>>> on right now is using org-babel, and I'm starting to like it, though
>>> there
>>> are still a few things that I want to change/add/mess with when I have
>>> time
>>> for it.
>>> So I have an open question: Has anyone else used org-babel to write code
>>> with? What have been your experiences with it? (commentary, tips, tricks,
>>> additions you've made, etc. would be nice to hear :)
>>> And to David directly: Are you still using org-babel since that last
>>> post?
>>> - Tyler
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