Thanks for pushing me to learn lisp, Aaron.

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 6:50 PM, Aaron Maus <> wrote:
Alrighty.  Here's what I've been able to come up with in a month's time.  SUPER Bourtange! (not to be confused with Schell's "Bourtange")  The source is here:

I wrote it in clisp, on a netbook running windows, using cl-opengl.  I had a really fun time making this.  Seems like most of my lisp projects never get finished, so it's nice to have an external deadline to keep me on track.

It's a very asteroidsy space defense game.  Asteroids fall down, and you have to shoot them.  You've got guns, missiles that follow a parabolic path, and a whole menu full of upgrades.

This was my first experience with collision-detection, and rather than do any research I just made my own from scratch.  It doesn't seem very efficient, but it works on a small scale game such as this.

Anyway, thanks to the hosts of ILGE 2010, and thanks to Schell for telling me that this was going on in the first place!

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