Here's my final submission for FLGC09. The game, Thopter, is a scrolling shooter inspired by the likes of Raptor: Call of the Shadows and other old games. Thopter is implemented in Common Lisp, using lispbuilder and cl-opengl for graphics, usocket and cl-store for sockets and serialization, and a handful of other CL utilties. The game engine used to build Thopter is freely available under the MIT license (see project page below).

The controls are arrow keys to move, spacebar to shoot, and either left-ctrl or left-alt to fire a seeking missile. Three upgrades in the game restore health, increase the firepower of the gun, and provide missile ammo.

Currently the game supports single player and two-player coop over LAN. To start a network game, open a terminal and run

./main --server=W.X.Y.Z --port=12345

and on the other machine

./main --connect=W.X.Y.Z --port=12345

where W.X.Y.Z is the IP address of the host machine and 12345 is some port of your choice.

Here is the final video of the game:

Source and downloads (currently only Mac, but Windows and Linux coming soon) are available from the project page:

Enjoy :-)

Elliott Slaughter

"Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to predict the future is to invent it." - Alan Kay