
As you have observed, this list tends not to get much traffic. Most the traffic we do get is from David O'Toole's occasional Lisp games competitions.

I've been slowly working away on Thopter, and am hoping to do some sort of a release soonish. Depending on how much time I get, it might be a large or a small release. I just recently got commonqt/cl-smoke to work on my mac, so that may finally be an option for redoing the game's UI.

In other news, Blackthorn (my game engine) is now available on Quicklisp. Quicklisp, in case you haven't heard of it, is definitely worth looking into. It makes getting new Lisp libraries super easy and almost obsoletes my Blackthorn Starter Pack (modulo C libraries, which Quicklisp doesn't really handle yet).

Also, Clozure CL announced not too long ago that the upcoming 1.7 release will allow 32-bit binaries to run on 64-bit Windows. Right now this is only available in svn trunk, but for any of you who have (like me) been experiencing crashes in SBCL on 64-bit Windows, this might make it possible to make a Windows binary for your game again without resorting to commercial Lisp compilers.

That's about it on my end. Anyone else?

On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 6:31 PM, Tyler Church <tylertrain@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hello Everybody!

I was quite happy when I found the wiki + this mailing list, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one in existence that's making games with Lisp :) I'm a bit sad that no one's posted here in a while, which is why I'm writing.

None of you have probably seen me before, so I suppose a little bio is in order.
I'm Tyler Church, I love to program.
I make video tutorials: manwithcode.com
I write code: github.com/tylerc
I keep a blog: rubygamedev.wordpress.com (I haven't written in forever though, don't know if that'll change anytime soon)

I'm a Ruby and C/C++ guy (HTML and JavaScript sometimes too), and have slowly been becoming a Lisp guy. School & Life demands have been keeping most of my projects from seeing the light of day, but the Lisp game I'm making is coming along nicely, so hopefully that'll be online soon.

Enough about me though, I really wanted to make sure everyone on this list is still alive :) . So, how is everyone? How're your projects going?

- Tyler

lisp-game-dev mailing list

Elliott Slaughter

"Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to predict the future is to invent it." - Alan Kay