I'm interested in another Jam and I found the 1 month format to be good for me last time we did it.

On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 9:28 PM, David O'Toole <dto1138@gmail.com> wrote:
I've been invited to give another presentation to the Boston Lisp
group on the topic of lisp games, possibly in late August or
September. I'd love to spend some time talking about what the
community at large are doing, and it's been a while since we've had a
game jam, so how about it?

What are your thoughts? The month-long "expo" format can allow for
more participation, since it doesn't rely on everyone having the same
week free to work on an entry.

Here is last year's call for entries:

I'd also like to try promoting the contest to a somewhat wider
audience with a little viral ad banner campaign or something. Plus, I
think we can appeal to Lisp newcomers and novices by pointing to
appealing stuff like SchemeBricks and Fluxus. It's arguably a bit more
of a turn-key solution, and people are doing a lot of fun games and
gamelike things with Fluxus. It would be fantastic also if the
developers of various Lisp game libraries and tools could provide
links to documentation for newcomers, so that the 2011 expo page will
present both expo newcomers and returning entrants with a variety of
options for doing something lispy with games.

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