Arthur Lemmens <> writes:
Edi Weitz wrote:
2. Nächstes Meeting am 14.11. um 14 Uhr am selben Ort (LJR) wie beim letzten Mal, falls niemand grundsätzliche Einwände gegen Ort und Zeit hat (und ich den Raum für diesen Tag reservieren kann). Anschließend irgendwo essen gehen.
Sounds good too. I'll try to be there.
I'll see if I can find some more Lispniks in the Netherlands who want to come with me.
I'd love to come. Especially since I didn't really get a chance to meet most of the participants last time. I'm not sure yet if I can make it though. I have preliminary exams the week after the meeting, and if they happen to start on Monday then I'd better not come home late from Hamburg the day before. Otherwise I should be fine. Can I come with you and Ernst again, Arthur? Kind regards, Dirk Gerrits