Hi Luke,
Does it make any sense to turn up at one of these meetings without speaking German?
I'm just back from the meeting that took place yesterday. Jim Newton's description of his company was in English, my talk (about persistence techniques) was in English, Hans Huebner's talk (about some ways he has used persistence for his applications) was half German half English (he started in German but when I asked questions in English he switched to English) and Pascal Costanza's talk was in German.
The general conversation was also a nice mix of English and German, with a couple of Dutch sentences in between. I think everybody in the room was comfortable with English.
So my answer is: yes, don't worry if you don't speak German. The best way to guarantee that some of the talks are in English is by giving a talk yourself, of course ;-)
There were about 20 people present yesterday (from the Netherlands, Munich, Berlin, Hamburg and probably a few other places in Germany). I think it was a great meeting with lots of interesting discussions. And it's always nice to see the faces behind names that you only know from the Internet.