We hope that very many of you will be able to attend this meeting and make it a success. Please, if you consider joining us, use the registration facility that can be found at the website above.
[no mention of any limits whatsoever] Need I say that I'm seriously p.o.'ed that inscriptions are closed? Going to Amsterdam on a week-end is synchronized with my family (two small children) and therefore not something to which I will say "count on me" and register within 8 days of the announce. It need be prepared. I fully understand that it's a private initiative, and that people did not expect 75 people to come (when I was at a meeting in Berlin, we were ~7), yet shouldn't the next thing be to announce that you're looking for a room much larger than 75 places? -- and given that you can count on such many people, a large room should become affordable. Or shall I know better the next time and proceed to early allocation of resources (I went to Edi's web site long before it was full), so as to be able to desist later? At least, then *I*'d get my seat if I come. Normally, I'm against surch unfriendly allocation algorithms. Independently of these griefs, thanks to Arthur and Edi for taking the initiative. It obviously shows that there are missing opportunities for Lispers to meet. Regards, Jörg Höhle.