[lisp-hh] job for software developer with lisp experience
hi everyone. I work for a company in Munich, Cadence Design Systems GmbH. www.cadence.com and www.cadence.com/vcad We have a job opening in the VCAD organization for an experienced software developer. It would be really great to fill the position with someone who has good LISP experience as we do quite a lot of development in a proprietary LISP dialect called SKILL. Other experience in other languages would be also very useful including Perl, Python, C/C++, Java, Javascript. Experience with other UNIX applications such as mySQL and Apache would also be good. Our platform is 99% UNIX based, including mostly Linux and Solaris. The position would be working in a small software group within an IC design services group. Tasks are usually related to IC design automation but not exclusively. Other current projects include, release management, resource scheduling/tracking, Object-system implementation, regression/system/unit testing flow development. Fluency in English is required. Also useful would be familiarity with German, French, Italian, Russian, or Hebrew. Relocation to Munich would be required. If you are interested, please respond to my at my private email address jimka@rdrop.com. I also plan to attend the Hamburg Lispers meeting on the 27th of June. We can also talk them, if anyone is interested. Thanks Jim Newton
participants (1)