Thanks for the code example. My concept application that I have in mind is like a mini google earth (no 3d), allowing the user to display a map of an area and view and place objects on the map given real world coordinates. Given the existence of AndroWish (a port of tcl/tk for android), I'd also start exploring using lisp and that for android gui development. On 12/16/13 10:01 PM, Matthew Stickney wrote:
I've attached the little bit of code I use for working with starkits and so forth in ltk (it uses cl-fad for pathname munging, but you might be able to do without). My main entry point function then looks something like the following (making sure ltk-libs.lisp gets loaded first, of course):
(defun main () (let ((ltk:*wish-pathname* (namestring (merge-pathnames #-(or :win32 :mswindows) "tclkit-linux-x86" #+(or :win32 :mswindows)
"tclkit-win32.upx.exe")))) (ltk:with-ltk () ;; Load the necessary starkits (ensure-kits '("tkvideo.kit" "tkvideo") '("img.kit" "Img") '("winico06.kit" "Winico")) (load-lib "twapi-x86-3.1.17.dll" "twapi")
<main application body here>)))
Thanks Matt I appreciate the tip. Do you find that you make use of extensions related to Tk, or related to Tcl instead? Unfortunately I only get to use Lisp at work when I can sneak it in under the radar, so I haven't done a great deal with ltk (and not much cross-platform stuff at that). So far all the starkits I've used have been Tk related: the kits above are from a recent utility I wrote, and are for webcam video display/capture, image formats (jpeg, png and so forth), system tray icons, and some windows API bindings, respectively. I had to write some bindings in ltk for some widgets
On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 4:54 PM, Joshua Kordani <jkordani@lsa2.com> wrote: that weren't completely covered (I'll post them here as patches one of these days), but that's about all. Again, I'm not exactly pushing the envelope here, but I think ltk will get the job done quite well unless you're trying to do something especially fancy.
-Matt Stickney
-- Joshua Kordani LSA Autonomy