Fri, 13 Dec 2013 11:12:15 +0100 Josef Wolf <jw@raven.inka.de> wrote:
Do I really need to learn tcl when I want to use ltk? =8-O
You do not necessarily *need* to learn Tcl/Tk to use LTK, but if you don't know what you are doing you are doomed to write shitty programs. That is true for every programming language.
A picture how this looks like can be found here: http://incrtcl.sourceforge.net/itcl/mmc/full/catalog.gif
The text browser on the left side contains small black triangles to expanded and/or collapse the text under the headlines.
Is that what you want?
That's pretty close. Things that I need which might be missing in such a browser are:
- preview/rename/move/remove files within a branch (possibly modifying file hierarchy) - move files from one branch to another - rename branches - merge branches
Such things are provided by *no* GUI toolkit I know, so it will be your task to add this functionality e.g. by binding Lisp functions to mouse-clicks or other GUI events.
I have a copy of "Effective Tcl/Tk Programming" and we could try to re-implement the browser widget in LTK.
That would be great!
I just realized that Tcl/Tk 8.6 has a ttk::treeview widget man page http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TkCmd/ttk_treeview.htm examples http://wiki.tcl.tk/20065 LTK supports the ttk::treeview widget by: #:treeview #:treeview-delete #:treeview-focus #:treeview-exists #:treeview-insert #:treeview-item #:treeview-column #:treeview-heading #:treeview-move #:scrolled-treeview #:treeview-get-selection #:treeview-identify #:treeview-identify-item #:treeview-set-selection The advantage of using the ttk::treeview widget would be that the LTK classes and methods already exist, the advantage of porting the "Effective Tclk/Tk" browser would be that it can be easily extended, it is implemented in Tcl/Tk (not in C). The disadvantage of the ttk::treeview widget would be that it doesn't exist in Tcl/Tk version before Tcl/Tk 8.6. I already have downloaded the "Effective Tclk/Tk" code and will try to make a LTK megawidget out of it over the weekend, but I will promise nothing until the code really works... - edgar