De : "cage" Objet : Re: [ltk-user] Bold font for label
On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 11:47:28PM +0100, syll-dev@laposte.net wrote:
I know how to create a font and I could use this to modify/reuse it, but I don't know how to get the font (and its properties) used by a component :( .
Ok, you can query the label for actual font used using the cget function:
(cget label "font")
Hope this helps.
Not really, unfortunately :( . But thank you for your answer :) . And I didn't know cget, which will be usefull. If I don't specify the font to use for a label, (cget label "font") returns "". If I specify a string as the font to use for a label, (cget label "font") returns this string. So I can't find the font used for "normal" labels. I would like to say : "the default font with default properties, but weight=bold". I can use :font "Helvetica 10 bold", but not juste :font "bold". Une messagerie gratuite, garantie à vie et des services en plus, ça vous tente ? Je crée ma boîte mail www.laposte.net