Hi; I'm new to both Ltk and to this list. I'm working on a prototype application which includes a text widget which I'd like to be able to scroll. It looks like the "scrolled-text" widget should work, but it doesn't behave the same as other widget with regards to various parameters. Here is an example that demonstrates: (with-ltk () (let* ((textframe (make-instance 'frame)) (textbox (make-instance 'scrolled-text :master textframe))) ;; (textbox (make-instance 'text :master textframe))) (configure textbox :width 20 :height 30 :background :white) (pack textbox :expand t :fill :both) (pack textframe :expand t :fill :both))) If you evaluate this with the 'text widget (commented out above) it is initially sized as specified in the configure and has the white background I want. But if you evaluate it with the 'scrolled-text widget, the size seems to be determined arbitrarily, and the background remains gray. Actually, the tiny lower-right box where the scrollbars don't quite meet turns white, so it's doing something. Is there a way to get a scrolled-text box with a white background and specified size? I did google the mailing list without finding any previous discussion of this. Any advice would be appreciated. --Jeff