The first paramether is a photo object. You can see an example of how to load an image at the source code for cl-cbr:
But to add an image to a button you only have to pass Its name as a paramether when creating It. If the image isn't in a valid format, Ltk don't loads It. You can use convert, which is part of ImageMagick, to convert images to ppm.

2006/8/16, Bill Ramsay <>:
I'm trying to add an image or icon to a menubutton (or regular button)
and I don't quite get how it works.

What does the first parameter of image-load represent  (i.e. photo as in
(image-load photo "x.ppm"))?
Should I be working with bitmaps instead of images?
How does the result of the load get assigned to the widget?
And how does the :anchor or :justify get placed on the icon as opposed
to the button text or the button itself?

Is there an example of this anywhere?


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Felip Alàez Nadal