Hello. Thanks for the fast answer.
Other than that I don't see an obvious mistake without trying it out myself (on travel atm.)
Well, for some reason, now it works. I cant say why. I tried more than two hours but I couldnt get it work, and now just tried the first time since that and it worked. Now I cannot even reproduce why it didnt work earlier. Sorry.
But have you tried to use the ltk functions for images as make-image and image-load?
Ok, I have tried it. It does work when I add the Load-Routine for the Img-Package. But with image-load, I can not use base64-encoded data, just can pass filenames. My application loads all data anyway, so I would like to prevent it from having to use external files in the resulting binary. Maybe this would be a good feature for ltk, and shouldnt be too hard to realize, as far as I see (but I dont know it, I am very new to it).
Last time I tried, they worked for me. If that all does not help, set ltk:*debug-tk* to true and post the output it generates, which should allow us to see much better what goes wrong.
Thank you. Christoph Senjak