On Do, Dez 12, 2013 at 12:59:32 +0100, Josef Wolf wrote:
are there any examples of scrollbar usage available? I have a hard time to grasp how to use them, and I can't find any examples in the documentation.
With this code: (defun test-scrolled-frame () (with-ltk (:debug 3) (let* ((root (make-instance 'frame)) (scrolled (make-instance 'scrolled-frame :master root)) (quit-button (make-instance 'button :master root :text "Quit" :command (lambda () (setf *exit-mainloop* t))))) (pack root :side :top) (pack scrolled :side :top) (pack quit-button :side :top) (dolist (number '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)) (let ((btn (make-instance 'button :master scrolled :text number :command (lambda () (format t "~a~%" number))))) (pack btn :side :top :anchor :w)))) (do-msg "huhu"))) I get an empty root window and the wish process hangs eating CPU. If I change the code to use FRAME instead of SCROLLED-FRAME, the code works fine (but obviously without a scrollbar) Any suggestions? -- Josef Wolf jw@raven.inka.de