Hi Thomas, thanks again! How dumb of me, this is very obvious of course ... However, your suggestion is not quite right! Instead of defining an environment variable "wish-pathname" with the value of the complete path up to and including "wish.exe" in Windows you don't need that. Instead of that just extend the PATH variable with the tcl bin path and all is set. Thanks for putting me on track, all works fine now! 2006/1/20, Thomas F. Burdick <tfb@ocf.berkeley.edu>:
By the way, when reporting bugs/issues it's helpful to say what lisp implementation you're using, and what OS/architecture.
On 1/20/06, Arie van Wingerden <xapwing@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Thomas,
thanks for your answer. However, I now get another error. I execute the steps as you suggested, which works well. After that I execute: (ltktest) as in the example and I get this trace info:
Win32 error 2 (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND): The system cannot find the file specified. [Condition of type SYSTEM::SIMPLE-OS-ERROR]
Since you're running on Windows, have you installed Tcl/Tk? If not, you can download it from here:
You will need to make sure that the *wish-pathname* variable is set to the path to wish.exe (eg, "C:\Tcl\bin\wish.exe").
This is omitted from the simplest example because typical Unix systems have tcl/tk installed and wish in the path. The installation instructions should probably be updated to mention Windows issues.
Hope this makes the problem evident for you! Thanks for your help!
No problem -- let me know if this works for you. (And be sure to hit "Reply to all" so you'll get the list as well).
-- Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards, Arie van Wingerden "the greatest single programming language ever designed" - Alan Kay, on Lisp