Hello everyone, Attached is a tarball of Lisp source that implements an LTK user interface (with line editing, and history, of course) on top of CMUCL and SBCL (developed on Linux, but it should work on *BSD too). It should load into CLISP, but it very limited due to CLISP not having any thread support. As you can see by the version number, this code is no-where near complete, but I am releasing it here in order to get feedback from LTK users, and maybe give Peter a smile and some inspiration. I intend to work on this further, but help from other people (bug alerts (and fixes!), additional applets, kind words, whatever) would be welcome too. All of this code is released into the public domain. Cheers, Mike __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com