On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 11:07:15PM +0100, harven@free.fr wrote:
I am trying to make my first steps with ltk, and I have problems to reconfigure existing widgets. Here is an example where I try to reconfigure the :TEXT attribute of the LABEL-WIDGET widget whenever the checkbox of the CHECK-BUTTON-WIDGET widget is clicked.
Try with setf instead of configure, i.e. (setf (text label-widget) val) instead of (configure label-widget :text val)
Thanks for the help, Harven. This works. Is this just a workaround or is this by intent? It seems that for some options I still need the CONFIGURE function. What is the reason for this inconsistency? How do I know which options can be set by CONFIGURE and which need to be set by SETF? I have not noticed such inconsistencies in Perl/Tk yet. One would use the configure method/function for everything.