> Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 18:10:40 +0100
> From: jw@raven.inka.de
> To: ltk-user@common-lisp.net
> Subject: [ltk-user] Increamentally build the GUI?
> Hello everybody,
> I am trying to build my tk GUI incrementally. The SERVE-EVENT parameter seems
> to suggest that something like the following should be possible:
> (defvar *frame*)
> (defvar *label-widget*)
> (with-ltk (:serve-event t)
> (setf *frame* (make-instance 'frame))
> (pack *frame*))
> (with-ltk (:serve-event t)
> (setf *label-widget* (make-instance
> 'label
> :master *frame*
> :text "initial text"))
> (pack *label-widget* :side :left))
> (with-ltk ()
> ;; All initializations are already done, we just need to enter MAINLOOP
> )
> But instead of a single toplevel containing both, the frame and the label, I
> get two separate toplevels. And none of those toplevels seem to contain the
> label widget. The output of the ps command shows, that two separate WISH
> processes are started, which obviously is not going to work.
> Does anybody have an example of how to properly use the SERVE-EVENT parameter?
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