Hi Ken, yes, the only demo for ltk is in fact the spinning lines demo. Demo's like the one you provide for your Celtk or Cells-TK would be really great for ltk. The reason why I use ltk is simply that I want to do it on my PowerBook and Cells and everything related to it seem only be supported on Linux and Windows. Or has anyone got it working on a Mac as well, either on openMCL or SBCL ? I am also stuck again with my ltk trials. I know that e.g. "entry" delivers its content as text and this can be used with (text entry_variable) It seems to come from a tktextvariable, according to the source in ltk.lisp. I was able to display a slider (scale), but I have no idea on how to get its current value. What type is it ? Which method needs to be used to get it ? If only these informations were given in the ltk documentation, it would be really helpful. Unfortunately, the source seems to be the only documentation. Nice for Lisp geeks, but problematic for people like me ;-) Greetings, Bernhard PS : I heard that you are designing a math tutorial software for kids. If you ever need someone to translate it to German, give me a call ;-) Am 17.11.2006 um 19:16 schrieb Ken Tilton:
On 11/17/06, Bernhard Graf <bgraf@adartis.de> wrote: Thanks Ken,
I know, documenting all features of ltk is an awful lot of work, but maybe if it is divided into pieces and done by several people it is manageable with not too much effort. And, as you probably know, Peter is German (as I am, too) and Germans opt for perfection ;-)
By the way, I have meanwhile been able to solve the problem myself, as I found a bigger piece of code that is written using ltk (clmail : http://hocwp.free.fr/glmf/article_clmail/clmail-v2/) and by analyzing this I was able to use the already implemented function "scrolled-text". So Peter has obviously already implemeted it.
Awesome. I had a feeling.
As looking at software that is already utilizing ltk is the best way to find out how to use it, do other members of the list know of more examples like clmail ?
Maybe another "rather unspecific" question, but if we get together enough pieces of code (maybe even from each other) this would be the best way to help each other not to "reinvent the wheel")
Does LTK still just offer the spinning lines demo? I have a "lotsa- widgets" demo for my Celtk (once a fork, now wholly independent of Ltk) that tries to cover everything, and the Vasily Margioulas delivered an incredibly comprehensive suite of demos with Cells-Gtk:
Is that what you had in mind? Which ones will you be doing first? :)
Happy to hear things are going perfectly well for you. :)
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Bernhard Graf Geschäftsführer adARTIS e.K. Im Hansengarten 9 D-56412 Hübingen Tel: 06439-9123 0 Fax: 06439-9123 99 www.adartis.de bgraf@adartis.de