Hi Peter Thanks for the advice. It is working now as you described. Matus On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 9:43 AM, Peter Herth <herth@peter-herth.de> wrote:
Hi Matus,
the common lisp package system is indeed a bit confusing at the beginning. Took me years to really master the details of it. In doubt, restart your lisp session to get a clean environment. The fail-safe environment is having your code in your own package and set up like this:
(in-package :cl-user) (defpackage :my-package-name (:use :common-lisp :ltk) (:export #:my-function))
(in-package :my-package-name)
(defun my-function () ...)
in this case you should be able to just use (make-instance 'frame ...) as frame is imported from the LTk package. If you are not using the LTk package you can alwas access its symbols with the package prefix, here ltk:frame. If you get any error, please paste the exact error message into the mail, this sometimes helps with debugging :)
On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 8:30 AM, Matus Kmit <simply.nitaai@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks for the swift answer.
Let me correct myself: make-instance seems to be correctly exported by CL package (SBCL), but when i try to, let's say create an instance of a frame object in my user-defined package the interpreter signals a name colision between the FRAME symbols of LTK and my package, although i never defined any symbol with that name. i am simply using:
(make-instance 'frame :master nil ...)
i think the error refers to this "frame* class designator.. Do i have to qualify it somehow and if yes how does one do that?
That said, i have to admit, that i am still learning how to properly use lisp package system.
Thanks for any advice, Matus
On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 10:54 PM, Peter Herth <herth@peter-herth.de> wrote:
Hi Matus,
it should be exported from the common-lisp package. Which lisp are you using?
On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 10:44 PM, Matus Kmit <simply.nitaai@gmail.com> wrote:
Sorry i am a newbie, but i have a question: What is the reason that MAKE-INSTANCE is not exported from the LTK package?
Thank you matus
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