As expected, all sends are the same (using a counter to count them). But this makes everything work:
Instead of "wm withdraw ." I do "wm iconify ."
The idea of doing either is to keep the user from having to watch Tk assemble the window widget by widget. Looks funny, feels slow. My Cells-driven approach does not think about when to do things, so it just shoots ideas over to Tk as it thinks of them. :) I could work on that, but beginning with a withdraw or iconify and then ending with deiconify looked like a quick win. Someone on the TCL list told me iconfiy might put an icon on the desktop and to use withdraw instead.
Maybe I should just hold off on the PACK of the top widget(s) in a window until everyone else is packed (the other way to handle creeping widget assembly).
I actually do withdraw windows as soon as they are created to fill them in the background. So that works with all my programs. But yes, the next best thing is not to pack the toplevel container until everything else is done. Peter