Hi Joshua, I have done this before. For a double-clickable windows executable, it is trivial. Download the tclkit executable, and install it into the same path as your executable. Windows defaults to the CWD being the directory the executable is in, so you are done. OS-X Is a bit harder, as a bundle is lanched with the unix CWD equal to /. ClozureCL makes it relatively easy to call into objective C though, so if you want to depend on that, you can call into the framework that lets you get the bundle path. Then you can put the lisp executable and the tclkit in the bundle and again it all works. I'm looking for a way to do OS X from sbcl, and I know it's possible, but I haven't had the spare cycles to figure it out at the moment. FYI for linux I just require that they have tcl >= 8.5 installed and in $PATH. It's usually not a problem. -Jason On 14:16 Mon 16 Dec , Joshua Kordani wrote:
Greetings all, I've been very interested in locating an easy to distribute, cross platform gui library that will allow for gui development in common lisp. After finding out about tclkits and seeing how small they are, I get the impression that this goal is reachable via distribution of the platform specific tclkit along with a common lisp image (with ltk configured to locate the supplied tclkit). I didn't find an archive of this list, and from what I've read in ltk docs, it seems like this concept is easily supported, but I am rather new to common lisp and tcl/tk. Given that I am new to common lisp, I don't necessarily know what part of the ltk code I need to read in order to figure out how to invoke a local instance of tcl/tk (let alone make a connection to a remote-tcl). I am open to anything, if someone has walked this path before and knows of some documentation that might be illuminating, I'm all ears. In addition, if anyone has any suggestions about how I might go about this whole cross platform gui common lisp development effort more easily, I'm also all ears. My short term goal is to produce enough material to run the ltkdemo (or at least, my own hello world code) from a lisp image that references a supplied tclkit on at least osx and windows. Cheers! -- Joshua Kordani LSA Autonomy