I'm sending a copy of this to the ECL list, since I can't see what's going wrong from here, nor can I get ecl to build on my system. The background is that Marko is trying to use Ltk with ECL under windows, but it looks like something fails very early on. The wish subprocess starts up, but when sending its initialization commands to Tcl, he gets this less-than-explicit error. 2008/8/14 Marko Kocić <marko.kocic@gmail.com>:
Ok, I tried it again with :debug 0 as you suggested and the result is the same:
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-source-op :ltk)
ECL guys: are the backtraces more usable when loaded from source or from compiled files?
; loading system definition from /lisp/lib/ltk-0.91/ltk.asd into ; #<ASDF0 package> ;;; Loading "/lisp/lib/ltk-0.91/ltk.asd" ; registering #<SYSTEM LTK 15100376> as LTK ;;; Loading "c:/lisp/lib/ltk-0.91/ltk.lisp" NIL
(setf ltk:*wish-pathname* "c:/Tcl/bin/wish85.exe") "c:/Tcl/bin/wish85.exe" ;(setf ltk:*debug-tk* t) (ltk:ltktest)
#<two-way stream 00f0db68> An error of type SIMPLE-ERROR has occured: Read or write operation to stream #<output stream "\"c:/Tcl/bin/wish85.exe\" \"-name\" \"LTK\""> signaled an error. Explanation: Invalid argument. Read or write operation to stream #<output stream "\"c:/Tcl/bin/wish85.exe\" \"-name\" \"LTK\""> signaled an error. Explanation: Invalid argument. Broken at SI:BYTECODES.No restarts available. Broken at LTK:SEND-WISH. File: #P"c:/lisp/lib/ltk-0.91/ltk.lisp" (Form #22)
:B Backtrace: LTK:SEND-WISH > ltk::init-wish > lambda > lambda > ltk::use-debugger > ltk::use-trivial-debugger > lambda > l tk:start-wish > ltk:start-wish > ltk:call-with-ltk > ltk:ltktest > si:bytecodes > si:bytecodes > si:bytecodes
That's not the most helpful backtrace I've ever seen, but it looks like something in send-wish is causing this "Invalid argument" error?