Hi all, I complained a while ago that sometimes wish and clisp fail to communicate effectively when they are being started. I guess it's some sort of communication sync problem that causes a race condition. It only seems to happen when wish takes a little longer to start like if it's the first time it's being started that day or the machine is under some load. Anyway it's still around, if anyone has any input please let me know. I've seen it happen on a few different machines now. In the mean time I've found a workaround for it. It's a little involved but it works quite well. I'm deploying an application that uses clisp invisibly as far as I can. It invokes clisp with instructions to load and run my program code in the shortcut. The windows shortcut properties only allow you to select minized, normal and maximized so I had to put up with a clisp window sitting minized in the taskbar. I then had occasion to write a simple installation script and I found that you can make windows completely invisible in programatically created shortcuts. I did this so clisp starts invisibly and suddenly no more hanging at startup. The script uses vbs and the windows scripting host. NB the oLink.WindowStyle="0" line is the one that makes clisp invisible. Set oLink = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")..CreateShortcut("Shortcut_path.lnk") oLink.TargetPath = "C:\clisp-2.38\clisp.exe" oLink.Arguments = " -i C:\run-app.lisp" oLink.WorkingDirectory = "C:\clisp-2.38" oLink.WindowStyle = "0" oLink.Save Hope this helps someone. Charlie