Hi, I have same problem which other people wrote here. But I don't know what I can do, cause the solutions of these problems wasn't solution for me :(. I have Windows XP and clisp (I use it with slime) and I'd like to use LTK. I try to install tcl/tk, ActiveTcl and tclkit too. I do exactly this: 1) start emacs and slime(of course clisp with) 2) compile and load ltk: (compile-file "C:/clisp/ltk/ltk.lisp") (load "C:/clisp/ltk/ltk.lisp") 3) use ltk (in-package :ltk) 4) path to wish.exe (setf *wish-pathname* "C:/Tcl/wish.exe") or (setf *wish-pathname* "C:/Tcl/wish84.exe") or (setf *wish-pathname* "C:/Tcl/tclkit.exe") ---> until here all is great 5) start up test (ltktest) => LTK window shows up with 3s delay, windows shows up transfusing clock and it transfusing and transfusing ;)... never stops... and no workable test :'( 6) try to start simple example (with-ltk () (let ((b (make-instance ’button :master nil :text "Press Me" :command (lambda () (format t "Hello World!~&"))))) (pack b))) => LTK window shows up, but error window with notice shows up too... the notice on window is: "EVAL: variable 222BUTTON has no value Do you wish to invoke the debugger?" and slime falls down. I tried to restart after installation of tcl, I tried to install other tcls, I tried to kill programs from tray and windows processes... nothing helps :( Help me please. Thnx for any answer.