2008/8/13 Marko Kocić <marko.kocic@gmail.com>:
Thanks for your help. Here's the output:
It looks like something between ECL and your mail app is butchering newlines. Could you try again? That said, it looks like we've got a real error here, but one that doesn't print very usefully. We might need to bring in the ECL maintainer. That said, could you try changing the with-ltk line in ltktest to: (with-ltk (:debug 0) and send us the backtrace there? The normally nice graphical error handling of Ltk is getting in the way here :-P
(ltk:ltktest) package require Tk senddatastring [tk_messageBox -message {Read or write operation to stream #<output stream "\"c:/Tcl/bin/wish85.exe\" \"- name\" \"LTK\""> signaled an error. Explanation: Invalid argument.
Do you wish to invoke the debugger? } -title {Error} -type yesno -icon question] Read or write operation to stream #<output stream "\"c:/Tcl/bin/wish85.exe\" \"-name\" \"LTK\""> signaled an error. Explanation: Invalid argument. Broken at SI:BYTECODES.No restarts available. Broken at LTK:MESSAGE-BOX. File: #P"C:/lisp/lib/ltk-0.91/ltk.lisp" (Form #398)
:b Backtrace: LTK:MESSAGE-BOX > ltk::debug-popup > ltk::debug-error > ltk:send-wish > ltk::init-wish > lambda > lambda > lt k::use-default-debugger > lambda > ltk:start-wish > ltk:start-wish > ltk:call-with-ltk > ltk:ltktest > si:bytecodes > si :bytecodes > si:bytecodes
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