On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 04:22:20PM +0200, Tamas K Papp wrote:
I can not help for the rest of the questions but "buttonpress-2" binds to the "wheel" button of the mouse on my system, try "<ButtonPress-3>" instead.
Thanks! I basically have it under control now, see:
You're welcome!
In particular, I defined set-wm-attributes to make the window full screen. I wonder if that would be a useful addition to LTK.
I am positive for that and I hope Peter, the author of the library will include it.
Currently I have the following issues:
1. I can't make the border disappear around the canvas.
i can only see two horizontal (1px or so as height) lines on top and bottom of the screen, however I tried to replace pack method with grid: (grid canvas 0 0 :sticky "nswe") and the the bottom line seems to disappear.
2. If I go near the top/bottom of the screen, or move around too much with the mouse, the script crashes with the following message:
"The value 0 is not of type CHARACTER."
and I get a debugging window. Suggestions to resolve these would be appreciated. Also, comments on the code are welcome, I figured things out by reading the source.
I spent a minute or so moving the mouse (and my eyes are exploding now! I hope you will add a disclaimer for that!) and got no crash, sorry!
But LTK is truly amazing! I wrote this application in about 30 minutes and it basically does what I want it to do.
Totally agree! Bye! C.