Me again, please forgive me if I ask silly questions. I am trying to implement a Javascript-like prompt dialog, where there is a message, an entry and an ok/cancel button. Since LTK does not have tkwait, how should I make my function return the entry text when the user clicks "ok" or closes the popup window? I know I can get an entry value with the "text" accessor, but I do not know when to call it. The purpose of tkwait in this case is to wait until a window is closed and after that I can return the last value inputted by the user. Is it probably better to inline the Tcl/Tk code without trying to convert it to Lisp? How do I do that? This is the Tk code I am trying to implement in LTK: proc prompt { message } { global ReturnedString set ReturnedString "" toplevel .w label .w.l -text $message entry .w.e -textvariable ReturnedString frame .w.f button .w.ok -text "OK" -command { destroy .w } button .w.canc -text "Cancel" \ -command { set ReturnedString ""; destroy .w } pack .w.ok .w.canc -side left -in .w.f pack .w.l .w.e .w.f tkwait window .w return $ReturnedString } And this is my first failed attempt: (defun prompt-for-string (message) (let ((e)) (with-ltk () (let* ((w (make-toplevel nil)) (l (make-instance 'label :master w :text message)) (b (make-instance 'button :master w :text "OK" :command (lambda () (destroy w))))) (setf e (make-instance 'entry :text "default" :master w)) (pack (list l e b)))) (print (text e)))) Even if I close all the tk windows, the entry text is never printed.