cage and everyone.
Thanks a lot to your e-mail.
I found menucheckbutton in ltk.lisp.
It was on line 2020 in ltk.lisp.
I do not found how to write code "menucheckbutton".
Please tell me code of lisp.
this is a my sample code.
;;; LTK Menu Test
(ql:quickload :ltk)
;; Make Package
(defpackage :ex4-18
(:use :common-lisp
(:export :main))
(in-package :ex4-18)
(defun main ()
(with-ltk ()
(wm-title *tk* "Menu sample")
(minsize *tk* 600 500)
(let* (
;; Make menu bar
(mb (make-menubar))
;;Menu Type
(mshurui (make-menu mb "Type" ))
(mf-command (make-menubutton mshurui "Command"
(lambda () ;(error "asdf")
(format t "Command pressed~&")
:underline 1))
;; This is the My Point1. I want to make checkbutton. but now menubutton.
(mf-checkbtn (make-menubutton mshurui "Checkbutton"
(lambda () ;(error "asdf")
(format t "Checkbutton pressed~&")
:underline 1))
(sep1 (add-separator mshurui))
;; This is the My Point2. I want to make radiobutton. but now menubutton.
(mf-radiobtn1 (make-menubutton mshurui "RadioButton1"
(lambda () ;(error "asdf")
(format t "RadioButton1 pressed~&")
:underline 1))
(mf-radiobtn2 (make-menubutton mshurui "RadioButton2"
(lambda () ;(error "asdf")
(format t "RadioButton2 pressed~&")
:underline 1))
(mf-radiobtn3 (make-menubutton mshurui "RadioButton3"
(lambda () ;(error "asdf")
(format t "RadioButton3 pressed~&")
:underline 1))
(sep2 (add-separator mshurui))
(mf-export (make-menu mshurui "Cascade"))
(mfe-jpg (make-menubutton mf-export "Cmd1" (lambda ()
(format t "cmd1 pressed~&")
(mfe-gif (make-menubutton mf-export "Cmd2" (lambda ()
(format t "cmd2 pressed~&")
(sep3 (add-separator mshurui))
(mf-close (make-menubutton mshurui "Close"
(lambda () ;(error "asdf")
(format t "Close pressed~&")
(setf *exit-mainloop* t)
:underline 1))
(msg (make-instance 'message
:text "This is the Ltk MenuBar test."
:width 1000
:background "#FFFFFF"))
(b1 (make-instance
:text "Close"
:command (lambda ()
(format t "Close")
(setf *exit-mainloop* t)))))
(pack msg
:side :top
:fill :x) ;
(pack b1
:side :bottom
:fill :x)