23 Jan
23 Jan
7:47 p.m.
Hi, On Jan 23, 2008 8:40 PM, Valone, Toren W. <TValone@dmv.ca.gov> wrote:
Thanks to all for the help on the previous problem. I downloaded TCL/TK and renamed it to wish.exe, then I moved it to my windows\system32 path, started up EMACS and was able to run lkttest.
Great to hear :)
Now for my second question, when I make a change to an existing LTK program and compile it C-c C-c, then run it, the changes do not appear. Only when I close and restart Emacs does the changes show up. Shouldn't just compiling work?
Yes it should... but it is difficult to provide more help without more information about what you did. Peter