On 3/23/06, Ken Tilton <kentilton@gmail.com> wrote:
I forgot to mention that Celtk should Just Work with the official ltk, and I would build against that, but ltk classic kinda mangles error messages from Tk, and I tend to get a lot of those, so there are just a few tweaks (one?) to get the whole message legibly. Maybe those (it?) would be a good enhancement to Ltk?
Yeah it would be. We tried to merge your seperation of standard-error and standard-out, but it didn't work for us. Since you mentioned it not working for you either, I'm guessing it bit-rotted somehow. But the functioning separation you have now would definately be a good thing. If Peter doesn't get to it first, I'll look at that week after next, when I'm back in town from a business trip.