Hi Haris, this would work: (use-package :ltk) (defwidget matrix (frame) () ((f1 frame :pack (:side :top :fill :both :expand t) (b1 button :text "1" :pack (:side :left :fill :both :expand t)) (b2 button :text "2" :pack (:side :left :fill :both :expand t)) (b3 button :text "3" :pack (:side :left :fill :both :expand t))) (f2 frame :pack (:side :top :fill :both :expand t) (b4 button :text "4" :pack (:side :left :fill :both :expand t)) (b5 button :text "5" :pack (:side :left :fill :both :expand t)) (b6 button :text "6" :pack (:side :left :fill :both :expand t))) (f3 frame :pack (:side :top :fill :both :expand t) (b7 button :text "7" :pack (:side :left :fill :both :expand t)) (b8 button :text "8" :pack (:side :left :fill :both :expand t)) (b9 button :text "9" :pack (:side :left :fill :both :expand t)))) ) (defun test () (with-ltk () (pack (make-instance 'matrix) :side :top :fill :both :expand t))) Peter On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 6:23 PM, Haris Bogdanovich <fbogdanovic@xnet.hr> wrote:
How would I then put 9 buttons in a 3x3 grid with the pack command ?
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