Hi, I'm trying to create an animation with words based on the (ltktest) function in the library (rotate). For that I'm storing the words in a plist. The code to maintain the words is: (defvar *initial-word-energy* 100) (defvar *words* '()) ; list of words in the form (:text :x :y :energy) (defun make-word (text x y display-item) (list :text text :x x :y y :display-item display-item :energy *initial-word-energy*)) (defun add-word (word) (push word *words*)) Then I created a button that will add words to the plist and to the canvas: (enter-text-button (make-instance 'button :master controls :text "Enter text" :command (lambda () ;;store word in *words* (let* ((text (text user-text-entry)) (x (random (read-from-string (cget drawing-canvas-reference :width)))) (y (random (read-from-string (cget drawing-canvas-reference :height)))) ;;put text in canvas (display-item (create-text drawing-canvas-reference x y text)) (word (make-word text x y display-item))) ;;store new word (add-word word) ;;clear entry widget (setf (text user-text-entry) "") (focus user-text-entry) (finish-output))))) The idea is that a word will store the position, the text, other things and the visual representation of the text. In the animation part (same code as rotate in the library) I move the words, and here is the problem. If I try the move changing the coordinates of the updated values of x and y of the word the text apearing in the canvas 'jumps' in the first move, afterward it move normally. The other alternative is to use itemmove, which works. but I would like to just manipulate x and y of the word and transpose it to the created text item in the canvas. ;;move display item [do not work] ---> (set-coords *drawing-canvas-reference* (getf word :display-item) (list (getf word :x) (getf word :y))) [works] ----> (itemmove *drawing-canvas-reference* (getf word :display-item) atract-x atract-y) So, I would like to understand better why there seems to be a difference in the values of x an y for the element stored and the element displayed, although they have been created with the same values. If possible, I would like to know how can I query the created text element about it's x and y values. Sorry for the long message. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, André