"Peter" == Peter Herth <herth@peter-herth.de> writes: Peter> On 11/27/06, Jan Rychter <jan@rychter.com> wrote: I have a fairly large bunch of changes to ltk, mostly having to do with the text widget, but also with support for new widgets from the BWidget toolkit (such as tree).
I am not completely happy with these changes, as I am sure they require further work and/or review. They can likely be implemented much better. But since I haven't found the time to do so over the last 2 months, I thought I'd rather push them out, to prevent wasting of time in case somebody is doing the same thing in parallel.
Should I send the diffs to the list, or directly to Peter? Please note, they definitely do require reviewing.
Peter> I would recommend to send them out to the list - if they require Peter> some more work, then everyone who reads the list may volunteer Peter> to do that work, and in general, they might serve as starting Peter> points for other Ltk users. If you want them included into Ltk, Peter> please attach your copyright notice and a statement about Peter> releasing them under LLGPL, so that I can use them without legal Peter> headaches. The changes I sent are (C) copyright by me and I do release them under both LLGPL and BSD licenses, with a strong preference towards BSD. --J.